Question about setting up Revalver for recording


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I have been a line6 user for a while, using my ux2+gearbox for guitars

I recently bought Revalver and I'm having problems recording it.

I can not get cubase sx3 to record the output of revalver as a STAND ALONE plug in (similar to gearbox)

Whenever I record in cubase with revalver up as a stand alone, it only records my clean guitar signal even though It's monitoring through revalver as I play.

I don't have enough CPU/Ram power to run multiple instances of revalver as a plug-in, and I found the tone I want to use and have it saved as a preset. It's just annoying and time consuming as it is because I have to apply/stamp revalver on every clean riff that gets recorded, instead of just having cubase record the tone from the start (like gearbox was).

Wondering if you guys have had trouble with this, or have advice for me.

hey man i could be quite wrong here, but you should be able to put one instance of revalver to a bus, and then send all your guitar track to that, however this ay you will have the exact same tone for your guitars
sorry if this didnt help
I would suggest: record like you record now, render each track after recording (but keep the clean DI track in case you decide to change the tone) and then set up a new track with Revalver on it. That way you're never running more than 1 instance of revalver at a time but you still have total recall.
i normally render every gtr track when using revalver as the fx plugin. This will keep my cpu power to the minimum.
if you have cubase sx3, you can set up vst plugins on the *input channel*, ie, prior to recording. having stupidly went from sx3 -> studio 4, i no longer have this feature, so i'm not entirely sure on how to do that anymore. if you want to do it that way then find the operation manual, and have a look in that, as its definatly there.

alternatively (and better, imho), you can put the plugin on each channel, and once you're done recording, freeze the channel. right click on the audio event, goto audio -> freeze events (or something like that).

if you can't do that for whatever reason (and this method is just as good), record each guitar track at a time, put the plugin on the guitar track, then solo the guitar track, bypass all other plugins (be careful of having a limiter on the output track!), mix down the track, with "import to: pool, audio track" both selected.

one of those ways should work, though i recommend the last 2, as they are the least destructive!