Guitar bussing in Reaper


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Hey guys, I've had a search about and looked through Adams reaper vids but cant seem to see anything.

I'm brand new to reaper so everything is still a little sketchy but I'm half way through watching the groove 3 tutorials on Reaper which was helped a bunch.

However, how do make guitar bus?!

So I have my amp sim, EQ, etc etc on one channel and have my guitars going to that channel.

Will I need to use a send? group? folder?

Thanks in advance
So your using two seperate folders to group your guitars? First is your amp sim and impulse then going into a seperate folder which has your EQ etc?
Folders are the shit. When tracking vocals with someone who likes to layer things I have a folder for vocals with a comp on it like stillwell's major tom. I Just keep adding tracks for each layer. I then have a reverb track that the parent folder sends to.

You can also just create sends to a new track and remove the master send for each track feeding it. More time consuming than the folder option with very little added benefit and a pain to change things later. Using the routing matrix can make it faster to set this up but folders I think is the way to go.
So your using two seperate folders to group your guitars? First is your amp sim and impulse then going into a seperate folder which has your EQ etc?
yeah, because it is faster and easier than the picture you posted. I just separate the EQ because I often have a couple of guitar tracks using the same eq. I do that to save resources and for automation purposes.
haha found this thread searching Google....

I apologize for all the questions lately...but this topic has me scratching my head a bit. Basically, I'm to the point where i NEED to learn how to create busses for my FX as Reaper and ProFire are seeming to have a hard time when running FX on almost every track.

Say I have 8 drum tracks and I want to use reverb on just the 2 snares (top/bottom mics), but compression on both of these as well, except slightly different comp settings? What gets me is.....

am I sending the effect to the track, or sending the track to the effect? and do you want, say, 2 compressors in 1 bus to use 2 different comp settings on 2 snares? or is there a way to use 1 comp and get 2 different results on 2 seperate tracks? Im confoooozed and I kinda need to learn this.
I'd say put the compressions on the snare tracks themselves (because they use different settings - as far as I know, there's no easy way of using one plugin on one bus to have different settings for different tracks. It's possible but not worth the hassle.) and send them both into a reverb bus. You can either use the routing matrix with a 100% wet reverb as it's own track with nothing else on it so you can control the level of the reverb, or have both of them sent into a reverb folder and then the drum bus folder like this and set the level of the reverb in the plugin.