Reaper question - Directly assign midi clips to the Wavetable patches (Like GP5) ?


Oct 30, 2010
Damn midi in Reaper :lol:

I have 31 midi tracks and I wish to assign them instruments through the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth in Reaper.

Now, I am able to do it when importing a MIDI from Guitar Pro 5, but under certain conditions;

- Need to assign the Main Bus to the MS Wavetable as you can see in the red circle. However, only the MIDI notes imported will sound like their assignation. For instance, if have the drums, everything is working like in Guitar Pro (36/40/46) but if I click on 36 to create a bass-drum sound, it will be the Piano sound. My workaround is to ctrl-drag any drum note that is already there and it works, no matter if I track it to 36 or 57..

Same thing applies with other instruments. In order to not have them have the Piano sound, they need to at least have one note in the MIDI clip to have the sound chosen in Guitar Pro.

The Panning will also keep the proprities from GP5.

Now, let's forget Guitar Pro a minute. I can create a drum track anytime without Guitar Pro, as long as I choose the Wavetable and then assign to channel 10. Bang, drums just like in GP5.

If I want a piano, I simply choose the wavetable, and don't need to send to a channel.

But there is the problem. I cannot assign to instruments.
The ReaMIDIControl is just ridiculous and doesn't work.

Is there any way I can program in a patch for each midi clip ? I assume there is a way, since import .mid from guitar pro keep the patch information and the pan/volume and there's no need for ReaMIDIControl there.

Hey, I know it's a though one. Many folks stuggle with midi in Reaper ;/


I could export from GP5, but I can't import the project in. GP5 is limited to 999 bars and I have +2300..