MIDI tracks from guitar pro jump to +2.6dB in Logic 9


Dec 1, 2008
I've been having this strange problem with Logic 9(and 8 as well) whenever I import MIDI tracks that have been exported from Guitar Pro. I program some of my drums in GP5, so it's quite annoying.

When I import the drums and listen to them from the middle of the MIDI region there is no problem whatsoever. But whenever I listen from the start of the region or when I bounce, the MIDI track containing the region from guitar pro automatically changes to +2.6dB. I've tried googling it, but I haven't found any answer to it. It's quite simple to just route it to an aux and to compensate for the volume change with an aux track, but it shouldn't be necessary. Has any of you guys experienced the same problem? Does anyone know what it might depend on?
I'd rather say it's the volume controler (Midi CC7)
I have no idea about Logic but you should somehow be able to remove those volume events (I had huge problems with strange volume behavior on MIDI tracks from gp until I removed those ^^)
I'm still using Logic 8, but should be the same:

- Select the MIDI Region in the Arrangement, then click on "List" (top right), and "Event". You should now see a list of all the midi events that are going on in the region (notes, velocity, program changes etc.)

- By clicking on "Notes" you should be able to hide the notes' events... check if there's any Volume event going on, select and delete! ...I usually delete everything but the notes from there!

Hope this helps! :)
Cheers guys, thanks a lot! :)

Narcossintese, I've read the forum every day for a long time and I've googled the question several times. There's really no point in complaining about the thread after the question has been answered.
I'm still using Logic 8, but should be the same:

- Select the MIDI Region in the Arrangement, then click on "List" (top right), and "Event". You should now see a list of all the midi events that are going on in the region (notes, velocity, program changes etc.)

- By clicking on "Notes" you should be able to hide the notes' events... check if there's any Volume event going on, select and delete! ...I usually delete everything but the notes from there!

Hope this helps! :)

This this this and THIS.

It solves every single patch, volume or pitch related problems with importing GP midis.