Newbie question about bussing/routing


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
I'm pretty new to the entire bussing/routing concept. I used to always just load plugins on respective tracks without any routing whatsoever. Reaper has the function of sending a track to both the Master channel and an effects bus (well, in Reaper, a "track" can also function as a bus). So I create a track with the desired effects loaded, then route the desired tracks to the effects track. For example, 2 rhythm guitar tracks routed to a track with Mulitband compression. The Mutiband track feeds the Master channel. In what type of situtation would I want the rhythm guitars going simultaneously to the effects track and the Master channel?
well what your doing there is using parallel compression on the guitars, you can also use this on your drums to make them sound thicker and more in your face.

you can use these 'sends' for any type of effect, and i normally load up my most commonly used effects into one of these ''FX Busses' to save my CPU from dying e.g. wanting to put reverb on every drum channel, just create a buss with the reverb on it and use a send from each channel to the buss :)
I understand that...but for what reason would I choose to also the route un-effected guitars to the master track, when the bus is feeding the master?
I understand that...but for what reason would I choose to also the route un-effected guitars to the master track, when the bus is feeding the master?

When you want parallel compression :)

Check out Daunt's excellent guide on the subject:

Be sure to have a look at his other guides, too. They're very clearly written and have some really interesting stuff.