Bass tone (Revalver (5150) + Pod X3)


Rocket surgeon
Dec 1, 2006

The plain bass tone is @ 1:48

EDIT: Here's the patch I posted later

The bass sound consists of three bass tracks routed to a group track. This might go without saying, but all tracks are from one single take. Everyone of the three tracks serves a specific purpose, so the trick here is to find the balance you want between these three tracks. Here's the full patch.


Plain DI. This tracks purpose is to get the gnarly middle distortion so the bass glues nicely to the guitars.



Plain DI. I use this track mainly to get the clean, sub-bass sound. I accidentally matched the EQ with a full master (a song from the newest Asking Alexandria IIRC) and for some weird reason it gave me the sound I wanted.


Track 3: POD X3

This track serves as the "main bass sound". DI was recorded through a Boss SD-1 with clean boost settings. I used Chimp Spanners bass patch without tweaking it at all. You can download the patch here:



IIRC the slight EQ matching I did was to a bass stem from the Are You Dead Yet? by Children of Bodom.

Thanks for the great feedback everyone!

Boiling old strings certainly helps! It definately won't sound as good as a pair of new strings, but it restores the clarity to some extent. We started the tracking session with a fresh set of strings and felt the sound was getting a bit dull when we got to the fourth song. We didn't bother to get a new set for just one song, so we boiled the strings. The difference in sound was really noticeable and the bass sound on the 4th song ended up being as good as in the others. With a bit of luck, I might find a few deleted takes to make an A/B test.

The bass sound consists of three bass tracks routed to a group track. This might go without saying, but all tracks are from one single take. Everyone of the three tracks serves a specific purpose, so the trick here is to find the balance you want between these three tracks. Here's the full patch.


Plain DI. This tracks purpose is to get the gnarly middle distortion so the bass glues nicely to the guitars.



Plain DI. I use this track mainly to get the clean, sub-bass sound. I accidentally matched the EQ with a full master (a song from the newest Asking Alexandria IIRC) and for some weird reason it gave me the sound I wanted.


Track 3: POD X3

This track serves as the "main bass sound". DI was recorded through a Boss SD-1 with clean boost settings. I used Chimp Spanners bass patch without tweaking it at all. You can download the patch here:



IIRC the slight EQ matching I did was to a bass stem from the Are You Dead Yet? by Children of Bodom.

I thoroughy enjoy that tone. Huge and not too dirty. Frikkin' awesome. Got any POD Farm patches that sound anything like that, or have you not messed with that program yet? Lemme know, I'd really like to swap some tones if you want. I got some great rhythm and clean tones. Everyone dogs on Pod Farm, but I tell you, I've been using it since it came out, and I've discovered some secrets that can get you some pretty damn good tone. If anyone is interested, lemme know and I can tell you about them. Cheers- Cockburn
wo.. dats a lot of s*** :lol: How much EQ matching are you using on the album? :confused:

I use a bit of EQ matching on guitars, bass and on the master EQ. This is by no means the core of the sound, but rather a tiny enchanment to the sweet spots. I set the matching amount so that the biggest boosts or cuts the EQ is doing are about 1,5 dB.
I thoroughy enjoy that tone. Huge and not too dirty. Frikkin' awesome. Got any POD Farm patches that sound anything like that, or have you not messed with that program yet? Lemme know, I'd really like to swap some tones if you want. I got some great rhythm and clean tones. Everyone dogs on Pod Farm, but I tell you, I've been using it since it came out, and I've discovered some secrets that can get you some pretty damn good tone. If anyone is interested, lemme know and I can tell you about them. Cheers- Cockburn

Thanks! I don't have POD Farm, I don't even own the Pod X3 we used. But I think the patch I posted might be compatible with the plugin version.
sounds real good !
any chance for bass stems ? some part of the bass solo-ed? thanks !

I talked about this EP on a previous thread and I promised to provide full stems and DIs for all of the 4 songs as soon as the EP gets released. Just keep your eyes open and you might find a new thread with the stems later this month :)
so you're going to cook pasta on the same pot you used for cooking strings?
oh that's nasty lol

Not really. As you can see, this video has a CLEAR PROOF at 5:55 that I use a different pot for cooking pasta :d

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