What do you think of these guitars (Revalver/8505)?


Aug 16, 2007
Here is a song my band is working on that will eventually go to someone who actually knows what they're doing to be mixed. Please critique my guitar sound/give me ideas how to improve it.


Guitar is a gibson LP studio with EMG 81
Quad tracked

2 tracks:
TSS --> revalver (guitarhack sneap edge impulse) --> multiband comp --> EQ
2 tracks:
TSS --> 8505 --> kefir (alu's engl v30 impulse) --> multiband comp --> EQ

leads are the second chain but with more preamp gain and more mids

i know the drums suck I just turned on superior and hit export
bass is just a jazz bass DI with a little compression and EQ
considering how the beginning was, the machinegun kicks from 0:36 forward made me laugh out loud :lol: But some comments:

- the guitar starting at 0:24 is too loud and too dry, same with the guitar solo starting at 1:48
- the kicks are at ok volume, rest of the kit, and especially snare, is too quiet
- the wall of sound in the beginning sounds really small, you should make it more massive
- do something about the cymbals and hihat, they sound really robotic
- the rhythm guitars sound pretty dark
Hey, thanks a lot for your comments. I know the drums sound terrible right now, I did zero work on them but i will keep your tips in mind.

For the dark rhythm guitar tone, I'm not sure what to do. The dark sound is the product of the multiband comp, but if i don't use it then the guitars sound out of control and boomy as well. Working with what i have, i guess ill try seeing if more mids will help.

For the dryness of the lead tones, how should that be fixed, more preamp gain and some light delay maybe?