bass tone wood

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
ok. im lookin for a wood with a bold and clear low end.

i like ovankgol (used in most warwicks) for its bold low end.

my question comes in to play with mahogany and koa. i dont have much experience with either of these two. i know mahogany has a dark and warm sound. with that said, it seems like the low end would be muddy. koa seems to be a sort of middle point.

so what do you people know about those 2? the neck/fretboard will be wenge and the neck will have a purple heart stripe down the center. if you think that will make a big enough difference in overall tone, factor that in
I think you're right about mahogany, most Gibsons are mahogany, but the wood makes about 5% difference to the sound in all honesty.

I know quite a few manufacturers use bubinga as a body wood, not too sure on it's supposed properties though. If you want clear low-end, them make sure the bass is neck-thu and string-thru and get a massive bell-brass bridge, brass nut too if you can. That stuff makes any bass sound good.