Bass tracks and phase.

i dont see a reason to phase switch... maybe check the waveform when zooming and try to align both .. but i dont think you MUST phase switch one of them... maybe im in error too
uh is this quote against me ? im french im not sure but im sure i know what is phase.. :u-huh:
If they are 180 degrees out of phase, I'd assume you could flip the polarity on either one and achieve the same end result. If you can tell a difference between flipping the phase on one vs the other, do what sounds better. The only big difference you're making is in the two tracks' relation to eachother. On their own or relative to the rest of the mix there shouldn't really be an audible difference. Anybody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Uladyne - that's about right..

Phase isn't something which needs to be 100% in or out.. just what sounds best.

If you can't tell a difference when flipping the phase, and it sounds great - then there are no problems.
When mixing, again, it's about what suits the song.

Sometimes you can use phase to eat up certain frequencies by using cancellation instead of EQ.. sometimes you add body by "fixing" the phase relationship.
I would check to see which one is closest to in phase with the guitars at about 5-10 randomly selected points in the song. I would then flip the polarity the one that is most consistently furthest out of phase from the guitars.
Uladyne - that's about right..

Phase isn't something which needs to be 100% in or out.. just what sounds best.

If you can't tell a difference when flipping the phase, and it sounds great - then there are no problems.
When mixing, again, it's about what suits the song.

Sometimes you can use phase to eat up certain frequencies by using cancellation instead of EQ.. sometimes you add body by "fixing" the phase relationship.

This is exactly what I'm dealing with. When I flip phase on one of the tracks, the bass tone becomes very mid-heavy. Seems to sit a little better out of phase.