Pocketing bass with slip editing

Sep 18, 2008
How do you guys deal with bass when you have let's say 3 tracks (DI+57+condenser), you wanna use them all more or less and you should pocket the bass to drums / groove?

Do you first slip & match the whole miced tracks to DI so that the phase is locked and then slip / edit the whole 3 track group according to wanted effect?

Or do you maybe just record DI's first and then reamp the rest with edited DI material?

Thanks for any insight!
What I do is I make sure the drums are edited first, then I group all my bass tracks and edit them to be tight to the drums. Whether you want to reamp or record the bass amp in real time is totally up to you, but if you record the DI and the amplifier at the same time I would use the DI as the visual guide track as the transients stick out more. Hope that helps and is not :Spam:
I did this the other day and I started by lining up the dirty sansamp track to the DI, group them and then slip edited to the pre edited drum track. Weird part is I actually found the transients easier with the sansamp track.