Bastard Convoy - rehearsal demo


Apr 23, 2009
Recorded a few songs with my band in our rehearsal room for a demo - my bass player says I should stop fiddling with the mix now and just write some new songs, and I tend to agree - but thought I'd share this because it's based on so much useful information I picked up here!

Basically a live recording - some sample replacements on the drums (recorded with five mics) but no edits, vocals as they sounded on the day, guitars and bass based on DI tracks recorded live with a few overdubs done afterwards.

I'm quite pleased with the result, also because I know we can play this live - but would still love to hear comments about the mix if you have any!

Anyway, here's one of the tracks, "Foosball & Jägermeister": & Jägermeister.mp3