Battery missing hits randomly??? Making own sample kits


Nov 26, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm trying to put together a kit using samples I took from a drummers kit a while ago to help with replacement on the EP. I'm new to Battery but found Signals Audio's instructional videos very helpful with getting started. The problem is, the audio just isn't triggered randomly during playback, even when I click the cells during construction.

Here's my workflow (correct me when i'm wrong):

I'm not too worried about velocity as it's just cymbals i'm working with so i'm adding say all my hi hat samples to column 1-4 of the A cell, assigning them all to the same midi note, and selecting random in the condition 1 mode. Moving to the next cymbal in the next row, and repeating etc. I've uploaded a picture to help out with the explanation. What am I doing wrong?

I've tested the kit in kontakt and it's the same deal, the audio just won't trigger randomly?