Battle of the Bands

I give away my Save to anyone who needs it... So I'm just going to kill cuz there are no bands worth saving atm.

Rhapsody of Fire 12 - KiLL
Grailknights 14 save
Spite Extreme Wing 10
Iced Earth 26
Blind Guardian 22
I give away my Save to anyone who needs it... So I'm just going to kill cuz there are no bands worth saving atm.

You and S.U.A.D need medals.

Rhapsody of Fire 10 killcostheysuck
Grailknights 14
Spite Extreme Wing 14 savecosmostofyousuck
Iced Earth 26
Blind Guardian 22
I give away my Save to anyone who needs it... So I'm just going to kill cuz there are no bands worth saving atm.

Rhapsody of Fire 12 - KiLL
Grailknights 14 save
Spite Extreme Wing 10
Iced Earth 26
Blind Guardian 22

I'll take it

Rhapsody of Fire 12 DIAF's save
Grailknights 16 Save
Spite Extreme Wing 12 Kill
Iced Earth 26
Blind Guardian 22
Rhapsody of Fire 12
Grailknights 16
Spite Extreme Wing 8 - Kill
Iced Earth 30 - SAVE
Blind Guardian 22
Rhapsody of Fire 14
Grailknights 16 KILL
Spite Extreme Wing 4
Iced Earth 30
Blind Guardian 24 SAJV
Raphsody of Fire 8
Grailknights 16
Spite Extreme Wing Kill
Iced Earth 40 Save (hall of fame) had to do least it gets this shit band off the list.
Blind Guardian 24

2 new bands:

Decrepit Birth

Morbid Angel (does anyone really not know this band?)

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Rhapsody of Fire 8
Grailknights 16 kill
Blind Guardian 26 save
Decrepit Birth 20
Morbid Angel 18

c'mon s.u.a.d lets have some new bands. no morbid angel famous stuff :S