Battle of the Bands

A kill and a heal cancel, thus my turn shall be a of course:

Bloodbath 26
Amon Amarth 32
Dimmu Borgir 16
Hatebreed 4 --
Motorhead 22
Bloodbath 28 +
Amon Amarth 32
Dimmu Borgir 16
Hatebreed 2 -
Motorhead 22

To be fair Hatebreed are pretty fun live, and the first album (Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire) is actually pretty decent hardcore; the rest just kinda sucks.

Half of me wants to save DB for Stormblast/FAT (tihihihi)/EDT but half wants to keel them for some of the shit they've come out with more recently.
Bloodbath 28
Amon Amarth 34 save
Dimmu Borgir 18
Belphegor 18 kill
Motorhead 22

belphegor have cool lyrics but the music in meh
All the bands up now have some really great album/s but some very average/shitty ones too. TRICKY STUFF GUIES.
im speechless..............100% speechless

and dude you forgot to kill a band

I did say that taste is subjective...!

And why would I kill.... do you have to? It was never specified in the rules. As I said, I like all of those bands quite a lot :).

Bloodbath 26
Amon Amarth 36 ++
Dimmu Borgir 18
Belphegor 24 --
Motorhead 20

P.S. What's the point of adding/taking away two points each time, why not just make it one point, and make 20 the highest amount? :D
Bloodbath - Dead
Amon Amarth - Winner
Dimmu Borgir - Dead
Belphegor - Dead
Motorhead - Dead
All other bands - Dead

Just saved you a hell of alot of posts. YOU are welcome.
Fenrisúlfr;7747031 said:
Do this again and my elf feasts upon orc-burgers.

Haha fine! I'll play along. Not cos I'm scared or anything...honest...

Bloodbath 32
Amon Amarth 38 SAVE
Dimmu Borgir 20
Belphegor 18 KILL
Motorhead 16