Battle Royale Carnage

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
User posts an album.

Second User Listens-Posts an Album of their own

Third listens to both. Picks Winner

Fourth-Posts an album to beat Current Winner

Fifth- Picks winner between the two, posts one of his own

Ad Infinitum

Little time involved (outside of two album investment) and users can weave in an out at their leisure/discretion. Basically a Now Listening on Steroids.

Catchy Heavy Metal from Sweden. First song is pretty heh, but catchiness amps from there on out. This is pure booze n banging metal.

Step forth contender!
That was pretty fucking killer, not going to front.

Now need a third party to listen to both and vote, then offer a new album to face the winner.

Ad Infinitum once we get this ball rolling.
May be recency bias, may be a way to push this all forward, but going with Emerald. It's a thumper lyrically, but not bashing you over the face. Best thumping youve posted yet. Fans of Solitude Aeternus would prob dig, though Its nowhere near as good. Would consider putting it on with a beer in hand. Good Pub JukeBox Metal.

Next Up Vs Emerald