Battlefield Vietnam


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Any Battlefield Vietnam players here? AWESOME friggin game. I just need to upgrade my video card now so I can jack up the graphics! Even on lower settings though this game rules. I love the grass/bush/tree transparency making for the more realistic ambush. Anyone that hasn't given this game a chance yet get on it!
I have to say that I really was not impressed by the game. I haven't played it, but I watched my friend play it for quite a while and I played BF1942 so I have a good idea of what it's like. Maybe UT2004 has spoiled me, but BFV just looks boring. Where are the flaming wreckages hurtling through the air? Where are the over the top announcer comments? Where are the multiple game types? I guess it's just my taste in games, but realism is rarely something I look for. I want crazy, frantic, exaggerated madness.
my friend who sent me the 9700 sent me a downloaded version of this game its runs like shit on my system