Bay Area Gig


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
Hey people

I thought it might be cool to get the people who are in the Bay Area,s take on venues they like or prefer, be realistic please, and how many of yall would come out or travel for a show, it might just be a low key deal :cool:

I think its good to get the experts opinions on what they like.

Thanks Ed
I travel to any venue. Ive been to most in the bay area and i have no problem with any nor have i ever had a problem with any.
if i can get the chance to see bands I, power metal, etc. I would travel!

ebass said:
Hey people

I thought it might be cool to get the people who are in the Bay Area,s take on venues they like or prefer, be realistic please, and how many of yall would come out or travel for a show, it might just be a low key deal :cool:

I think its good to get the experts opinions on what they like.

Thanks Ed
I'm in!

Refer to my post in the California gig thread.

As far as venues, we have a couple of nice ones here in Modesto ('bout 75 minutes east of you).

One is called the Fat Cat. Recently Robert Cray and Robben Ford both played there. It's similar inside to the Great American Music Hall in SF but smaller .... and the beer is VERRRY COLD!

Also, here in town is a place called the State Theater. It might be more "family friendly". In fact people take their kids to rock shows there all of the time. It's layout is similar to the one in Whittier where you guys played at Calprog. I've seen Kansas and the Eric Burdon band there.

Anyway, thought I'd put on my 2 yens worth.
Hi Ed,

Nice of you to ask for our input! My only preference is an all-ages place--my daughter really wants to see you again. Imusicast was fine with me, ale or no ale, given that your music is so intoxicating on its own:kickass: ...but I believe they have either closed down or moved. We've been to the Pound, Bottom of the Hill, a couple of place in Sacto--the names I can't remember:ill: --so we'll go anywhere! Thanks for being so considerate of your fans to actually ask us for ideas.

My goodness what a foul mouth on that dude, LMAO Wolf, he is joking people.

OK so lets be realistic please, you guys all know the deal, we have families and jobs and so Europe usually comes after the release or any tour for that matter, usually. This is just local for know. We have an album / disc to finish as well.
I'm definitely interested! :headbang: Hopefully I can take off from work to make it out there. It would be great to see you guys rock our socks off and Eric, Kristin & the other Enchant fans again! Any chance of getting a demo CD of what you have done so far, from the new album, when we're at the show? :p
Damn, I don't anything about the Bay Area venues... I do have a few in mind for when you come east though! :headbang:

The one club I've been hearing about for years in SF is The Pound -- I assume it is pretty big and lots of groups go through there?

For those out there, you really have to keep in mind the size of the place and Enchant's drawing power. Its not in the band's interest to go into a 1,200 person capacity if they bring out 300-500. Nor would it be good to go into a 200 person place if they draw 300-500.

That's why its really important to get them to PP so they can play in a 1,200 person place and have a relaly good shot at filling it!

Out of curiousity Ed, how many usually come out to your shows?

Depending on things, I'd definitely be interested in comng out to see your show! I've had to settle for watching some of the DVD for the past two weekends (don't always get enough time to sit and watch the whole thing).

Oh no, this is turning into a long post - surprise, surprise ;) I did remember something else I thought you might like to know Ed. This past weekend we had a marathon practice session in preparation for our DVD shoot. After our Saturday session we hung out and were checking out various DVDs from various bands. Of course, Live at Last was on eof them. Also, Evergrey Night to Remember, Trans-Atlantic, Spock's Beard Don't Try This..., and Threshold's Critical [something]. We really thought that your DVD stood out among the lot as an overall best quality. Evergrey was defintely on a higher budget and was awesome, BUT the sound wasn't as clear and too bottom ended. Threshold's sound was very compressed and whle it sounded OK, it didn't come across with the clean, live feeling that LaL did. SB and TA were also very good, but I think it was your raw energy and GENUINE enjoyment that made LaL come out as the winner.

I can't wait to see you guys in person!
Rick Pierpont said:
he one club I've been hearing about for years in SF is The Pound . . .
Ed dismissed this venue in the "California Gig" thread:
ebass said:
There is no way we play a place like the Pound in SF where most bands play which is a pit. . .

Simply put, I have braved most clubs including the Pound ( which this is not about ) to see our buddies in Spocks Beard, or any other band I love at times.

However we would not want to put people in a situation that they are leaving some horrible part of town or deserted run down area at most likely 1:am in the morning if we headline which we will. I have discussed this with Doug and he feels the same way, I am sure the other guys do as well.
In case poeple don't know: The PoundSF club is located in an area of S.F. that is considered a gang warzone, as it's below the Hunter's Point Housing projects, mainly Westpoint/Middlepoint areas.

If you leave that club on a hazy 2AM morning, with ringikng ears and a headache, you may make that bad left turn onto Middlepoint Road, and end up in a very bad place, where most folks aren't welcome.


Why would a band ever want to put people in that situation.

dano1427 said:
In case poeple don't know: The PoundSF club is located in an area of S.F. that is considered a gang warzone, as it's below the Hunter's Point Housing projects, mainly Westpoint/Middlepoint areas.

If you leave that club on a hazy 2AM morning, with ringikng ears and a headache, you may make that bad left turn onto Middlepoint Road, and end up in a very bad place, where most folks aren't welcome.

Thanks for the warning! I tend to not stress about getting lost in strange cities, figuring that in a worst case I'll just keep turning onto wider streets until I eventually find a freeway directional sign. (It's worked well for me in the past -- e.g., I'm home now, not wandering around in circles somewhere! :lol: ) However, this info makes me realize that there may very well be a downside to that strategy, so it's best that I have a good idea of my exit path beforehand! :erk:
It's a "catch-22" in a way, as most clubs that cater to a lesser popular form of music often can't pay the overhead cost associated with having a good location...

Gone are the days in SF where you could see a good club gig at The Stone or Mabuhay Gardens (ooops, showing my age)...There was also the Omni in Oakland, but it wasn't in the best of spots, either.
