Be BLOWN AWAY by this awesome brazilian prog band!!


Sep 25, 2002
Novo Hamburgo, Brasil
AKASHIC!!! They sound kinda like SymphonyX (including the singer) but they are not a copy of it, cuz they also sound like other stuff... well, stop reading my puny words and LISTEN TO IT instead! (click on the "sounds" link to download some mp3s of their album)

also two of my favorite songs of the album here

guys... its really worth it, and this band deserves to be known!!
nightwish58 said:
Awesome band and album. I would be thrilled to see them perform at Prog Power!!!!

u have their album?? They are working on their second album. I hope it gets released soon.

Another good brazilian band i discovered was TUATHA DE DANANN which plays... well... it plays CELTIC FOLK METAL!! But they are awesome. You can check reviews on the internet... there are british, germans and irish giving them 4/5 or 5/5, not brazilian reviews... so i guess they can be considered good :)
I also have Tuatha de Danann albums and think they are very interesting band. Brazil has a lot of bands with potential but they usually don't get the record deals to promote them outside of Brazil and they usually can't afford great productions thus the albums don't always have a very good sound. Many bands that come to mind include:

Steel Warrior, DragonHeart, Atlantis, Allegro, Karma, Hellish War, Eterna, Symbols (don't know if they still are playing since Edu Falaschi left them to sing for Angra), Viper (ex-band of Matos), etc