
Feb 24, 2005
I'm new to the forums so please excuse my ignorance! I see the incredible amount of interest on ultimatemetal on Children of Bodom, i feel like I'm missing out on something big. What exactly am I missing?
It's the gay irishman, welcome.

get it Philmacrakken = Fill my crack in

You haven't lived until you've been in a gay bar on St. Paddy's day ! But seriously folks...I'll be appearing all week try the veal and don't forget your bartenders and waitresses.... I'd still like to know about the band.
The band is.. awesome.. I don't know what else to say. Only band I've never gotten bored of over the years, and quite honestly one of the best live shows around. Tons of energy, great musicians.
What's the sense in talking about the music when you have never listened to it. Better go and buy a cd or whatever, make up your mind and join our always interesting, intelligent and smooth conversations. cheers!
hii....I'm new here also and I'm not very informed about all the stories and that would be a very good question 4 me 2...
for all those who don't know me...I'm the Duck...:)
Another Grade A thread. Haha. Gotta love this forum, smooth and intelligent... Always.

And as for COB...

"Children of Bodom fucking sucks!" *headbangs* \m/
- Farmingdale, NY November '04

Good day.
Jamie FT said:
:lol: wow! Never seen that thread before. gotta love those gay necrophilic ducks!
í'm not gay...and i'm not necrophilic...i don't know where you asume that from...but don't know me anyway:D:D