

New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2003
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As I'm going to see Children of Bodom here in Lund ten days from now I am quite interested of what songs they played on the concerts in Finlands so that I know what songs I shall listen to before the concerts. Anyone who was on those concerts? :rock:
i have not seen them in finland but i know that they will play songs along the lines of
silent night...bodom night
touch like angel of death
towards dead end
children of decedence
bed of razors
everytime i die
hate me
and i would listen to all of the new album as it is a tour for the new album so they will obveously play songs from it.
myself and 4 friends are going, tickets aint arrived yet damnit, and i still dont know how to travel there from swindon, was thinking coach but the last national express coach is 11:30pm, i dont think that is late enough!