Beat Detective alternative?

Kazrog said:
It was introduced in version 4.5. The current version is 4.52 (a free update with bug fixes and Tiger compatibility)

Hey Shane,
I couldn't find this out on the MOTU site so I'll ask you. With DP beat detection can you edit multiple tracks simultaneously?
The really cool thing about the PTHD version is that you can "detect" on multiple tracks and it will throw away all of the hits that are very close together so you can move all your drum tracks by the same amount, maintaining the phase relationship between the mics.
It would be awesome if MOTU was doing this too at a much lower price point.
I couldn't find this out on the MOTU site so I'll ask you. With DP beat detection can you edit multiple tracks simultaneously?
The really cool thing about the PTHD version is that you can "detect" on multiple tracks and it will throw away all of the hits that are very close together so you can move all your drum tracks by the same amount, maintaining the phase relationship between the mics.
It would be awesome if MOTU was doing this too at a much lower price point.

I use DP also. DP can analyze all your tracks seperately or you can analyze say the kick, and then apply those beats to the other tracks. If you need to do some fine tuning for the beats you can also add or remove them. Once you have that set, you can then make your edits or whatever simutaneously to all the tracks.
JV said:
I use DP also. DP can analyze all your tracks seperately or you can analyze say the kick, and then apply those beats to the other tracks. If you need to do some fine tuning for the beats you can also add or remove them. Once you have that set, you can then make your edits or whatever simutaneously to all the tracks.
Cool .Thanks.
hmm, anything new here? i mainly use cubase, but don't really have a way to quantize the drums, other than the method posted here (which i've tried, but you can't control it and it puts ALL hits at the EXACT timings). soooo... anything new? beat quantizer? dp? i need something that can be used for tempo changes, multiple tracks, etc etc...
I've benn working with the Beat Quantizer guy to support multi tempo songs. Pretty much it wont involve actual tempos or time signatures. You will be able to import a audio click track along with your bounced drum files. The software will make slices from the click track and line up the grid with these. So all the snap points will be based on the click track and interval between.
zenx said:
hmm, anything new here? i mainly use cubase, but don't really have a way to quantize the drums, other than the method posted here (which i've tried, but you can't control it and it puts ALL hits at the EXACT timings). soooo... anything new? beat quantizer? dp? i need something that can be used for tempo changes, multiple tracks, etc etc...

Which version of Cubase are you using? The quantizing features on my version work great.......
zenx said:
sx 3.

hmmm, are you quantizing AUDIO?
multiple tracks, at the same time (phase accurate)?

how do you quantize multiple tracked drums in cubase then?

Ahh my bad I was thinking of midi...