Beautyfull Swede's.

Well first of all I assume that you're joking about the "beautiful women" part since the sterilization had nothing to do with LOOKS, and you're also by default ruling out that anyone other than a "pure nordic girl" could be good looking.
Second, not only women were sterilized, although they were in majority.
Third, women basically give birth to both boys and girls, so the sterilization would have to be targeted towards people more prone to give birth to girls.

Apart from handicapped, mentally handicapped people and people with learning disabilities (many of who are naturally sterile anyway as far as I've understood), I know that several gypsies were targeted if I remember correctly, and probably jews as well, along with criminals and whoever else they (we? I'm swedish) didn't want in society.

Actually, im not joking, but im not doing the assumption that its because of its talking about nordic-women, but rather that the fact was that we sterilized people who we at the time thought of as "inapropriate" when it comes to their race(The Swedish people can be divided in to about 15 different subraces.), so the fact is that if you remove enough of the "ugly" races, such as Brünner(At least I think that was the name of the race.) that to us as the modern man doesnt have "nice" proportions in their face, or body.

And of course, they give birth to both boys and girls, thats the whole point.
"Better" genes in both sexes will make the next generation of people even "better".
And I also know that it wasnt ONLY women, but I read somewhere that it was about 75% of them who where women.

Im so bummed about that I cant find that article where i noticed this first(My browser cache seems to have been removed.), because it had more details on what kind of people that where targetted.
Of course it was mostly people with genetic diseases/mental problems, but there was a huge list of different races that where sterilized too.
The only one I remember is the Brünner, and im not sure about the spelling, but anyways that specific race are short, and wide, in both body and face.
They also have very bold facelines, which I think that neither of them sound very attractive(Not being racist in that manner.), so thats why racial based sterilization actually can make the specific people of a country more beautyfull.

But to add something that not many people know: Hitler payed women who where "aryan" to basically make alot of babies with other aryan men, and alot of these people where from Sweden, or moved to Sweden after the war(I actually know a guy who comes from one of Hitlers "breedingfamilies".).

So I guess that scandinavian look with blue eyes, blonde/lightbrown hair, big chest, long legs and "petite" face comes from them both.
And no offence to anyone, but I guess pretty much anyone on this forum will agree that scandinavian women look better then most(But why the f-ck sterilize everyone else!? o,0).


Gah, now it seemed like I was saying that the nordic people actually are hotter in the end of the message.
But my point was rather that we sterilized the "ugly"races within the regular scandinavian, to bring the "aryan" race to the front(Why did people start claiming that we where an Indian people? Does anyone know?).
Since it's also said here that Sweden got a "head start", I just dug up this information fromångssterilisering.. ... Please note that I'm not trying to defend any of this. I'm just looking to get the facts straight, and I want to avoid to have this come off as being some kind of Swedish initiative with no prior influence. Context, people, context...

I didnt know that we where before Germany actually. :O
Even though I read alot of those pages that seems to have gone past me.
Probably because I got so schocked about hearing that we actually did this kind of thing. ;X

No wonder 3/4 of the women turned my head during the year that I was there. :blush:

And before I learned this, I jokingly told my US friends when I got back about this master race thing going on in Sweden...but I didn't know it actually happened!! :guh:

Yeah, well, im born and raised here, and I found this out today! :u-huh:
Although its really important to point out that its not really going on anymore, and as TGS wrote, it basically didnt happen after the mid 1950's.

But I actually liked the idea that came up a few years ago, about chemicaly sterilizing rapist's.
There's still pushes to sterilize the poor (women) in the US. In the late 1990s there was a massive lawsuit about the coercive implantation of Norplant into women's bodies as a condition of receiving welfare. It was struck down, but the same thing is happening right now in other states of the US.
So I guess that scandinavian look with blue eyes, blonde/lightbrown hair, big chest, long legs and "petite" face comes from them both.

To justify that claim you'd have to prove that Swedish people were uglier before 1935, which I highly doubt. I've been in countries (not going to name any) where the girls IN GENERAL were, well, quite ugly to be frank. I've been in others where it was the complete opposite. I don't know if they were extremely successful with sterilization in Slovenia for example, but I highly doubt it. And actually, since I grew up in Sweden I'm not very attracted to the "swedish looking" girls, probably since it's what I'm used to and that I've gotten tired of it. I know several times when guys from other countries have been up there with me and commented about some girl that she was sooooooo good looking and all I thought was "that boring looking girl?"

And since you quoted me on that Sweden was BEFORE Germany with the sterilization, I just want to point out that with my quoting from wikipedia plus my personal summary pointed to the complete opposite!

(About the comment about that Sweden has 15 different subraces, it reminds me of the extremely tiresome habit that people have of putting metal bands into genres. There are a million genres it seems and a million people putting a million bands into different genres for different reasons. In race, I wonder if I even would be placed in the same subrace as my parents. So even mentioning it is a
But I actually liked the idea that came up a few years ago, about chemicaly sterilizing rapist's.

Why not just neuter & castrate them? Takes care of both problems.

Anyhow, really interesting that this was going on in Sweden. I can see why the government-funded schooling system wouldn't want you to know about it in today's politically-correct world.

I know you'll all hate me for it, but fuck it, I have to be honest... living in a place that takes initiatives like that is kinda like my wet dream utopia. It's one of the very reasons I refuse to have kids. My family is wrought with cancer/heart disease/stupidity etc. I couldn't in good conscience pass that on to a baby. Yet we have all these people in such awful social, genetic & economic states procreating like it was nothing. I still can't understand all the 'sponsor an African child living in poverty' stuff. Who in the hell would willingly bring a child into that situation!!?? Heck, here in Australia, since the baby bonus, we've had all kinds of white trash multiply rapidly. That's no way to further society, to improve mankind. The 'survival of the fittest' idea went out as soon as we started dragging the stragglers with us.

Of course the issue with that is how do you identify 'who' to do it to. Who sets the criteria and who deals with the specific case by case basis. Since it's just other people making those judgment calls they're bound to get it wrong.... very wrong in many cases. So, while to me (and probably only me) it sounds like a cool idea in theory, the practical application likely wouldn't succeed in being a fair, balanced, unprejudiced, completely scientific endeavor.
I don't understand why anyone would perform sterilization to prevent mental retardation... All you would be doing is creating a smaller gene pool and with what I understand, that is something that can cause various retardations. Take inbreeding for example.

Very disturbing none the less.
I know you'll all hate me for it, but fuck it, I have to be honest... living in a place that takes initiatives like that is kinda like my wet dream utopia.

Oooh but you are...

"Other countries that had notably active sterilization programs include Australia [...]" (

I don't write much on this forum but in this thread I've made several posts now. I just think the subject should be treated fairly and avoid having it turn into "hey, look what they came up with in Sweden, they must be totally insane. Only them and the nazis!"
I don't understand why anyone would perform sterilization to prevent mental retardation... All you would be doing is creating a smaller gene pool and with what I understand, that is something that can cause various retardations. Take inbreeding for example.

Very disturbing none the less.

In the case of the mentally handicapped, keeping them out of the gene pool certainly doesn't cause more inbreeds. No real need to sterilize them though since nature mostly takes care of that itself, hehe. Also, in the case of keeping a gene pool smaller for race reasons, if that was a problem then there'd be a lot more genetic problems for more "pure races", like Indians (people living in India, that is), Arabs, Semites, Gypsies, Jews, various natives around the planet, etc. Also most animals on the planet would be totally fucked up. Just keep it out of your immediate family and you should be fine. ;)
Why not just neuter & castrate them? Takes care of both problems.

Anyhow, really interesting that this was going on in Sweden. I can see why the government-funded schooling system wouldn't want you to know about it in today's politically-correct world.

I know you'll all hate me for it, but fuck it, I have to be honest... living in a place that takes initiatives like that is kinda like my wet dream utopia. It's one of the very reasons I refuse to have kids. My family is wrought with cancer/heart disease/stupidity etc. I couldn't in good conscience pass that on to a baby. Yet we have all these people in such awful social, genetic & economic states procreating like it was nothing. I still can't understand all the 'sponsor an African child living in poverty' stuff. Who in the hell would willingly bring a child into that situation!!?? Heck, here in Australia, since the baby bonus, we've had all kinds of white trash multiply rapidly. That's no way to further society, to improve mankind. The 'survival of the fittest' idea went out as soon as we started dragging the stragglers with us.

Of course the issue with that is how do you identify 'who' to do it to. Who sets the criteria and who deals with the specific case by case basis. Since it's just other people making those judgment calls they're bound to get it wrong.... very wrong in many cases. So, while to me (and probably only me) it sounds like a cool idea in theory, the practical application likely wouldn't succeed in being a fair, balanced, unprejudiced, completely scientific endeavor.

Can we have some in England as well please?
To justify that claim you'd have to prove that Swedish people were uglier before 1935, which I highly doubt. I've been in countries (not going to name any) where the girls IN GENERAL were, well, quite ugly to be frank. I've been in others where it was the complete opposite. I don't know if they were extremely successful with sterilization in Slovenia for example, but I highly doubt it. And actually, since I grew up in Sweden I'm not very attracted to the "swedish looking" girls, probably since it's what I'm used to and that I've gotten tired of it. I know several times when guys from other countries have been up there with me and commented about some girl that she was sooooooo good looking and all I thought was "that boring looking girl?"

What im saying is that we "encouraged" the race that Hitler called "aryan"(Which I dont remember the real name of.), and I really do think its a much more attractive looking race then most(But that does not f-ing mean that you should kill of other races. ;X).
And of course, we are tired of scandinavian chicks, but hey, I can still tell if someone is hot, or not.
And a country doesnt need to do all this to get more attractive looking women of course, but it brings forward the races that they under that period of time thought of as strong(That we today think of as hot scandinavians.).

And since you quoted me on that Sweden was BEFORE Germany with the sterilization, I just want to point out that with my quoting from wikipedia plus my personal summary pointed to the complete opposite!

(About the comment about that Sweden has 15 different subraces, it reminds me of the extremely tiresome habit that people have of putting metal bands into genres. There are a million genres it seems and a million people putting a million bands into different genres for different reasons. In race, I wonder if I even would be placed in the same subrace as my parents. So even mentioning it is a

Yeah, I must have spaced out, because I meant to write something like: "I didnt know that we where not before Germany actually. :O"

So im sorry for that missunderstanding there.

And that part about subraces, its actually not comparable to the namecraziness of metal, because these are based on genetic origin.
But of course, if say, your father is Scandinavian, and your mother is Brünner, you wont be either Scandinavian, or Brünner.
Why not just neuter & castrate them? Takes care of both problems.

Anyhow, really interesting that this was going on in Sweden. I can see why the government-funded schooling system wouldn't want you to know about it in today's politically-correct world.

I know you'll all hate me for it, but fuck it, I have to be honest... living in a place that takes initiatives like that is kinda like my wet dream utopia. It's one of the very reasons I refuse to have kids. My family is wrought with cancer/heart disease......... .......alls they're bound to get it wrong.... very wrong in many cases. So, while to me (and probably only me) it sounds like a cool idea in theory, the practical application likely wouldn't succeed in being a fair, balanced, unprejudiced, completely scientific endeavor.

I sort of agree with you.
Because I actually do belive that a genepool needs to be stronger(Not based on racial standards though.), but I also belive that we shouldnt force it on someone.

And in the end, these sort of things will take care of them selfs too.
If you have cancer in your family, and get children, and your children get children with someone who also has cancer in the family, then their offspring is more likely to get cancer and so on.
So eventually, it will go really down the well.
I don't write much on this forum but in this thread I've made several posts now. I just think the subject should be treated fairly and avoid having it turn into "hey, look what they came up with in Sweden, they must be totally insane. Only them and the nazis!"

Yeah, that wasnt really the intent of this thread, even though there are alot of connections between this and Nazi Germany, and I have a really hard time beliving that we didnt want to help Hitler during WW2 in any way, and yet we gave them a shitload of minerals to build tanks, guns and airplanes etc.

Of course, this is not facts, this is just my own asumptions based on people ive met from that time etc.
I wish every country was like sweden or denmark, so i don't mind some cleansning here and there ;)

I hope you're joking there man, not letting people having one of the biggest source of happiness and goal of the many people - to raise a child(in a good way) just because they don't look pretty is just all wrong.
I saw pretty hot chicks that had pretty ugly parents and vice versa.
Limiting reproduction of mentally handicaped people that have mental illnesses throughout their family tree or limiting reproduction of people that had extreme problems with cancer/heart problems/whatever is health-gene related somewhat seems right. But doing this to ,,ugly" people is simply all out wrong.

It's like with loudness wars - there is no loud when there is no quiet, and there is no beauty when there is no ugliness. World filled with perfect chicks would be pretty boring to me, and hot chick wouldn't have as much value over time as now.
I hope you're joking there man, not letting people having one of the biggest source of happiness and goal of the many people - to raise a child(in a good way) just because they don't look pretty is just all wrong

To make something clear: It was not based on how attractive the person was to the eye, but in those days the people had a vision of that some races where "better" then others(Well, racism..), and basically, alot of the races that where killed/sterilized in Europe during this time where common "native" European races, that to most people today look less attractive(Which probably comes from the fact that the people from that time thought their races was "bad".).

But as you can see in how confusing these messages gets, even though it wasnt targetted on looks, it is actually something that have "supressed" the less attractive races as we see it today.

actually Arian is right.
the term means something like ennobled, and the first guys who called themselves Arian came from Iran.

Ive heard another word for it, thats more commonly used in genealogy, as Aryan really stands for the race from Iran.
Ive heard another word for it, thats more commonly used in genealogy, as Aryan really stands for the race from Iran.

it seems to derive from sanskrit/persian: ārya, which means something like noble. these aryians had a highly developed culture and one of the first religions (Zoroastrism/prophet: Zarathustra), that´s why i thought they chose this meaning for their tribe.
In fact one of their ancestors became the singer/bassist of a band called slayer, he he

edit: afaik there is no other term (Adolf used).
I was obviously joking.
And limaks right, its just as when marilyn monroe said to albert einstein "imagin how goodlooking and intelligent children of ours would be" to which albert responded "also imagin what it would be like if they had my looks and your brains!"

Anyhoo, gotta say there is prolly i little purist in me still, i enjoy going to those country's way to much, and i can't stand watching blond girls dating other races for some reason, i doesn't seem right to me for some weird reason.
I supress those thoughts obviously (and sure as hell shouldn't poke it on a forum hehe) and am ashamed to have them, because i know were it leads too, but when being in those country's its also a hot topic most of the time (luckily those people think just like me and don't turn into a bunch of Arian purists).
Its INSANE how alot of people think about it beyeren for once..

Its probably also due to the way some people in our country are acting as a whole at the moment which leads to this.

Anyhow, i'll just shut up know, were entering dangerous territory.
I know you'll all hate me for it, but fuck it, I have to be honest... living in a place that takes initiatives like that is kinda like my wet dream utopia. It's one of the very reasons I refuse to have kids. My family is wrought with cancer/heart disease/stupidity etc. I couldn't in good conscience pass that on to a baby. Yet we have all these people in such awful social, genetic & economic states procreating like it was nothing.

Genetic cleansing was all the rage a couple hundred years back. Just look how the Brits and most of Europe sent their criminals and social low-lifes to Australia and North America.

Sweden has a lovely Viking/Nazi Propaganda Museum. Everyone should visit.
German Nazis stole Swedish Viking's art and rune symbols for their propaganda posters. :lol: