Beautyfull Swede's.

Ooohhh. Thank you all!

You've been very very exaustive, to say the least!
I'm not ironic, yesterday I was tired, with an headache like a mammoth in my head and didn't see the connection between the two facts.

That's interesting.

I still like swedish girls a lot but I can proudly say that here in Milan I knew two very ugly swedish girls (italian speaking and resident here), so maybe this thing is in the past.
I more a fan of Latin girls.

I think that hot Latin girls are WAY better looking then the really awesomely hot Scandinavian chicks too. :cool:
Too bad I live in Sweden, because we hardly have any latin immigrants here. :waah:
I've heard that this also happened here in Finland during that same period. I'm not sure it was on the same scale though.
Jesus christ monkeyballs!
I just found out that we forcefully sterilized 62,000 Swedish women in 1934-1972, and that this is a highly likely reason for the "beautyfull Swedish women.". :OMG:

I wonder why we didnt learn that in historyclass!? :u-huh:
Im actually quite shocked about this, i mean, we where even before Hitler with doing this shit!
And we also get to learn in historyclass that we didnt really want to help Hitler during WW2(They got alot of minerals for tanks/weapons from Sweden.), but im seriously doubting that right now.

I believe most of them were sterilized for mental illness and retardation. If we take a population average of 7 million for that time period (rough estimate), and divide that 62,000 over the 40 years--it comes to an average of 1400 women per year, out of an average population of 7 million. Consider that not all of these women would have necessarily ever had a child. I don't think the total number of women removed from the gene pool in a given year would be enough to influence the general the physical characteristics of a population. Obviously, there are other factors here, but another thing to bear in mind is that Swedish-American girls descended from 19th and early 20th century Swedish immigrants generally possess the "Swedish look" to the same extent as your average Swedish girl---and their entire genetic background comes from before the 40-year eugenic experiment.
I've heard that this also happened here in Finland during that same period. I'm not sure it was on the same scale though.

Dunno, all I know is that Finland was allied with Nazi Germany, and that the Nazi's stole the idea of the swastika from you/us(Im ½ Finnish.). :blush:

On the other hand, the only thing that happened where that Germans got to go through your country to Russia, and you got weapons and such from them, so I dont really know if you really should call that being allies(Considering that the people in Finland hated the nazi's.). :p