Becaus I'm bored. Positive life changes

Man I was drinking nearly a 12er of Rolling Rock a day for nearly three years and eating fast food almost every day all that time, that was from 2008-2011. I was 220 lbs, just a flabby fuck. I changed up my lifestyle and stopped drinking, eating fast food and smoking weed and dropped down to 196 lbs in about two months even with little exercise. These days I just drink brewed tea and my wife makes healthier foods and when we eat meat it's only fish and chicken.
Wow, I didn't weigh that much at my worst. I'm 5'11 and my highest weight was about 160 or so but most of the time I was around 148. It was my diet, food wise, for the most part. Plus I always exercised regularly, lazy exercise but I did them.
I quit smoking due to vaping as well dude. Ridiculous, tried everything under the sun before, didn't work. On the first day I got my e-cig I threw my last pack away, half full, never had one again, the smell of it makes me nauseous now.
I've quit cigs a few times for years at a time and it was always hell. With the E-cig it was so easy. I did the same, just threw them out and never missed it.
Wow, I didn't weigh that much at my worst. I'm 5'11 and my highest weight was about 160 or so but most of the time I was around 148. It was my diet, food wise, for the most part. Plus I always exercised regularly, lazy exercise but I did them.

I'm 6'2" and stocky according to my wife so 180-ish is "normal" which is what I weigh now.
6'2" and 180 sounds pretty normal. I'm 5'-8" and I've weighed 139lbs for like ten years. And I'm skinny as fuck! The big thing though, is that weight alone isn't the only barometer for health. I could never gain weight, but I sure as hell feel healthier now at 139 doing yoga everyday and not eating tons of carbs and sugar. I've just traded a little fat for more muscle and feel a lot better.
I don't even know how people can eat fast food and drink alcohol everyday ! whenever i do 3 meals in a row I just feel sick ! Same with treats, Because of that, i'm thin and don't have any fat !

I am moving to a nice studio with a nice area, gym and swimming pool included inside the residence. So I'm gonna go back to working out pretty much every 2 days. I'm totally gonna take the opportunity to change some habits at the same time. I just received my Spector so I am gonna learn how to play bass with fingers, I am planning on buying a Roland TD4KP drum set to learn drums while not taking much space in my studio. (For clarification when I mean studio I mean a little flat, although it's actually gonna be my home studio indeed !). And I am gonna exercise almost every day, wether it is actual work out, or just relax swimming and yoga. It literally just needs me to open my door, walk a corridor, then open another door and i am in a gym or in a heated swimming pool.

About savings, I found a cool idea on internet randomly : have a box, and starting from week 1 put 1 dollar/euro in it. Week 2, put 2. At the end of the year you put 54. Total is something like 1400 dollars/euro. And the slow process teaches you how to get used to saving 50 a week. You can increase the values if you have more money and say you want to easily save money for good monitors or hardware. Just adjust the values accordingly and you have your one year painless savings plan !
It was a weird time in my life, I smoked an ounce of weed every few days, had very little social interaction and just basically did nothing but play my guitar and write music. Didn't go out on weekends, didn't leave the house much either. I had some severe social anxiety issues. It's really no wonder I gained all the weight. But I dug myself out of that hole, lost the weight and eat/drink much healthier now. And I'd consider myself somewhat fit these days. I do drink beer but not as much and I don't smoke or eat fast food anymore.
It's crazy, isn't it? Coupling a similar change in diet with cutting back on drinking a lot (after a bad breakup at the end of the summer, I went into "booze dumpster" mode, spending about $1200/month on alcohol :cry: shameful...), the boost in my overall attitude and mental clarity is incredible.

I quit drinking cold-turkey in November and now allow myself a drink or two a week at the very most, as a treat. Having a lot of history of alcoholism in my family and realizing that I was rarely sober, unless I was at work, kinda scared the shit out of me. I'm nearly 30 and don't want to be a fat drunk asshole when the end of this current decade comes up.

Good for you man really. For whatever reason I'm finding the change in what I eat really easy this go around. I think it's a mental thing or something. I've tried in the past and always seem to go back to eating junk. I have never gotten this far. Tuesday will be the month mark. I got the treadmill working yesterday and thus far feel pretty great.

Thankfully I didn't have any other addictions to deal with like smoking or alcohol otherwise this would have been an even bigger bitch.

I quit soda a couple months ago, but the diet was probably the biggest change so far.

I got another kid coming in June so doing this now was kind of a must.
It was a weird time in my life, I smoked an ounce of weed every few days, had very little social interaction and just basically did nothing but play my guitar and write music. Didn't go out on weekends, didn't leave the house much either. I had some severe social anxiety issues. It's really no wonder I gained all the weight. But I dug myself out of that hole, lost the weight and eat/drink much healthier now. And I'd consider myself somewhat fit these days. I do drink beer but not as much and I don't smoke or eat fast food anymore.

Dude, weed can do that. It makes it really really easy to just sit on autopilot forever, and you can absolutely convince yourself up and down that it's not doing anything to you.

That said, an oz every few days is insane. I do one a month on average and even that is pretty high. I can only imagine how much money you spent given the price difference here/there, too.
Dude, weed can do that. It makes it really really easy to just sit on autopilot forever, and you can absolutely convince yourself up and down that it's not doing anything to you.

That said, an oz every few days is insane. I do one a month on average and even that is pretty high. I can only imagine how much money you spent given the price difference here/there, too.

Yup, pretty much. When I quit I had some crazy dreams, anxiety and severe boredom issues for about 4 weeks.

I used to smoke 4-6 blunts a day. Well, they were the cigarillos which are smaller but still, a handful of those a day every day all by myself. I recall one time I smoked 3 in a row and ended up on the floor looking up at the ceiling fan in a panic. Strange days indeed, but then I was a member here during those days and I did write some good tunes stoned. I only smoke when I'm out at a friend's these days and when I do it's only a little but I get super high from just a few puffs. I spent about 60-80 bucks every week iirc at the time but I was making nearly $1,000 a week doing tech work for a large company so it barely dented my wallet. Not to mention the alcohol, 6-10 beers a day really ate some cash up.
Good on all ya'll! Congrats for the progress!

Interesting how perception is different for everyone. I am, 6'1 and around 225-230lbs at maybe 16-18% bodyfat. And while some of you think they are skinny, I feel rather in the "medium-small" category with dudes around here. I went down from 240 at 25-30% over 12-15 months and want to try to shoot for my all time low at 12% again for this summer. Should be possible.

I never smoked weed, but having a knack for good vodka and not being 21 anymore (= you get lazy and want convenience) made going out always really expensive. An evening in town would usually end up with 150-250 Euros including drinks, other substances, cabrides and door-fees for clubs. And I'd be knackered for 3-4 days due to the long hours till 8am. Just staying home saves me 700-1000 Euros a month ... and I'm not tired anymore.
I finally got some 100% FOOD from after still waiting for Soylent to get their shit together with shipping etc.

Yesterday was my first day, so I jumped in and ate nothing but 100% FOOD for 11am breakfast , 4pm lunch, and 8pm dinner. Later at like 2am i ate some peanut butter on bread, but that's it. i am blown away at how full you feel just minutes after downing it. The original flavor surprised me with taste, it's pretty sweet and tastes like cake batter or something. The chocolate tastes basically like chocolate oatmeal. I actually prefer the original flavor.

Overall I am very pleased with this stuff and i am excited to have a super easy, quick, and affordable option to replace fast food. I have been eating fast food up to four times a day which also introduces all the shit in soda as well as costing a lot of money when you add it up.