Becker fans! Check this out...

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA

It might have a snowball's chance in hell, but this guy has the right idea. I'll keep ya posted if he actually follows through with it. If he goes for petitions or something, I'll definately let you all know... hell, maybe we can get Jax to send it to Romeo. :headbang:

So is anyone else a Becker fan here? You can tell I am due to my stupid and old signature (I should really get to changing that some day).
Crap... I'll post a new one when I have time. This dude was talking about going to some big Bill Gates type dude with a lot of money. The guy's a guitarist, and a music fan. So some dude at the John Petrucci forum (, check for a thread called "I have a plan to help Jason Becker" in the general music chat) wants to put together a package of info and music from Becker and present it to the guy. Probly won't work, but at least he's taking some action.
Its definately a nice gesture, but I guess I'm too much of a cynic about humanity to think some rich guy is going to give a shit about Becker. Thats just the way the world is unfortunately. Bumblefoot in that thread hit the nail in the head when he said theres a lot more politics involved in something like this than just giving money away...especially to just ONE person. If anything it would be more logical to use Becker to try to get this guy's interest in donating money to ALS research.
not just ALS research but also Stem Cell research..since its the closest cure to ALS we have...and just about every other genetic disorder on the planet..well, eccept a few like Downs and Proteus..