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Guilty Gear
Jul 21, 2002
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Wow... I had only heard one song by this band (Nosferatu) about a few months ago, I think a friend of mine sent me it, and I was pretty impressed but I sort of forgot about the band.... until last night. I suddenly remembered about them so I went on Kazaa and DLed most stuff, got most of the In Search of the Truth album, and I must say im VERY impressed. These guys are a very talented and refreshing band, and I like the vocals. The singer sorta reminds me of a more agressive David Coveradale from Whitesnake. And the choir they got is really awsome. Also, is it just me, or does the song The Encounter sound like something right ouf of Micheal Romeo's Dark Chapter? I'm going to buy their albums next time I take a run to this good music store I go to downtown. Hopefully they will have em there. So I read that they are doing another album soon, anyone have any details regarding it?
Originally posted by ElvenShadow
[B And the choir they got is really awsome. Also, is it just me, or does the song The Encounter sound like something right ouf of Micheal Romeo's Dark Chapter? [/B]

I don't hear any annoying drum machines on The Encounter. :) I agree with you about the choirs, it adds to the dark beauty of the music...