SoL Invictus

New Metal Member
Jun 11, 2003
San Antonio , Texas
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I just went to the local cd store in my home town.....I have heard alot about this band I decided to pick up one of their cds, I went with Recreation Day :OMG: .... this cd is superb....I love the guitar work.Now I must check out some of the earlier work.I hope they do a USA tour soon.......And come to Texas. Stay Heavy!
Pain Of Salvation is one of my favorite bands along with Evergrey, but I think comparing the two doesn't accomplish anything...

Daniel plays drums! :)

I am not comparing the 2. I'm just stating that I love them both the same. I'm not saying... 'hmm well, they are both dark as far topics go, but Evergrey's music is alot heavier...' I'm not saying that, I'm stating that they are loved equally.

Just clearing up the confusion...

Children of Bodom are the greatest band to ever walk the face of the earth! IMO.

I just recently got into them as well. A friend got me a copy of Solitude Dominance Tragedy and I was immedietly hooked and then I went this morning and bought Recreation Day. I am telling you this band just draws you in. I plan on getting the other 2 albums ASAP.