Becoming the Archetype - Progressive Death Metal Fans


you can call me RRrrr!!
Aug 22, 2008
Becoming the Archetype is a band that I have liked for years. I first got into them just because of the heaviness, but here lately I have really started digging their stuff. The usually just get over looked by most people because they are Christian and they tour mainly with hardcore bands, but their music is so good and deep. I knew there were some Progressive Death fans in here and just wanted to share them in case you had not heard of them or just over looked them before.


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This band references many things I like, from latter-day Death to Zao, great band live and cool guys (saw and met) but my problem is that I just honestly haven't heard a memorable song yet. The songs always feel like they are simply comprised of ingredients and idioms of the genres they fuse, but with little bombast in terms of structure or memorability.
yeah they are great live. very talented (the guitar player playing both keyboard and guitar) and they are extremely heavy, to the point that I can only describe them live as match meets powder-keg.
'Deep Heaven' wasn't bad, that one is more knit and coherent than I am used to from the band. Still not too big on the BTTBAM/AILD, etc style metalcore shouts, but they are bearable. Is most of 'Dichotomy' this way in the songwriting?
I would say 60-70%, it has its just heavy song(they have to keep their younger fanbase happy) that are still good.

Here is an example of the just heavy tracks (this is actually my favorite track on the album)

I don't like this band, but I just saw that they're playing a fest up in New Hampshire in August with Switchfoot, Project 86, Jars of Clay, Living Sacrifice, August Burns Red, Flatfoot 56, and a bunch of other bands (most of whom I either don't like or haven't heard of) but if the fest has single-day tickets I'd be interested in seeing the Living Sacrifice - Flatfoot 56 day (same day as Becoming the Archetype). I never got to see Living Sacrifice live although I like over half their discography.

I did see a partial BTA set about four years ago with Aletheian (who were amazing and who I think are well-known around these parts) and Crimson Moonlight (I think it was their first US tour, very entertaining show). I left a few songs into BTA's set.
but if the fest has single-day tickets I'd be interested in seeing the Living Sacrifice - Flatfoot 56 day (same day as Becoming the Archetype). I never got to see Living Sacrifice live although I like over half their discography.

I saw Living Sacrifice with Becoming the Archetype and the Showdown and LS as a headliner was VERY underwhelming.
I did see a partial BTA set about four years ago with Aletheian (who were amazing and who I think are well-known around these parts) and Crimson Moonlight (I think it was their first US tour, very entertaining show). I left a few songs into BTA's set.

SwordLord and I produced the Minnesota show on this tour (Crimson Moonlight was the bomb). Though I can't say I'm much of a fan of this genre, I can say BTA puts on a great live show and are an awesome bunch of guys. I also saw them when they toured with Demon Hunter. I've been known to sport a BTA shirt from time to time :D