been awhile since I've been home alone


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
the wife is away on vacation visiting with her mother and exploring Oregon and it's really awfully quiet around here. it's weird how things have changed - all of a sudden I feel like I have much more free time, but I don't really understand how it could be any different from before. but she did take the high-energy border collie, so it's really quiet. I really can't remember the last time I slept soundly until 9am and got up on my own without being dragged out of bed. the other two lazy dogs are sleeping at my feet right now and all is serene. just me, my computer and my beer. hopefully my long work days don't mess them up too much during the week.

also, having an almost-brand new rental car (2004 Toyota Matrix) kicks ass. I should do it more often.
I keep waking up at 3am totally 100% convinced that I've overslept. weirdness. and this morning, Samosa absolutely DEMANDED his breakfast at 4:20 when I had the alarm set for 4:30. where's his snooze button dammit?