Been getting great feedback so far..


Feb 20, 2011

curious to see what you guys think. all help is welcome. thanks.


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Hey man, the recording is pretty muddy. The kick is really buried in there and has no punch. I think the bass and guitar are both taking up too much low end. Try putting a hi-pass around 100 for the guitars and a high pass for the bass around 80-90hz. Maybe use a side chain compressor to let the kick drum shine through a little bit more vs. bass.

Snare needs a little more snap too, it's just a big thud without anything between 4-6k on the eq.
geeze I didn't think it was that muddy. in my frequency analyzer it showed I was getting plenty of high end. what speakers are you listening on?
You might just be picking up a lot of your cymbals on your analyzer because they are a little loud too?

this maybe true, but to be fair, all instruments should take up a particular frequency space to begin with so its only right that they be sitting on the high end, and the guitars where they are, etc. maybe theres a gap of frequencies i'm missing or maybe your speakers favor certain frequencies over others.
Well I use my speakers for mixing and stuff and I know that each instrument and sound has it's place in a mix but I'm not gonna lie, the recording is pretty dull (in a flat no dynamic kind of way.)
I wouldn't necessarily say that ^^^ But yes trust your ears over anything. Compare it to some mixes that you really favor. Mix for sessions of around 20 minutes and take long breaks in between to rest your ears. Mixing and mastering in long sessions and at loud volumes can really saturate your ears and could damage the mix making it worse than where you started.
I wouldn't necessarily say that ^^^ But yes trust your ears over anything. Compare it to some mixes that you really favor. Mix for sessions of around 20 minutes and take long breaks in between to rest your ears. Mixing and mastering in long sessions and at loud volumes can really saturate your ears and could damage the mix making it worse than where you started.

thanks man. i work along those guidelines already, but i suppose its a matter of ear training for me.
Mix is quiet.. guitar tone is good. I don't like the snare being too dry and not enough cracky.
Mix is quiet.. guitar tone is good. I don't like the snare being too dry and not enough cracky.

Mix was hitting -9rms. Although it wasn't matching the perceived volume which was at -13db. Any tips on making the rms match the perceived volume?
Alright for Kick Eq you might wanna do a little more. Put a hi pass around 30hz and that will make it less muddy. Scoop out a few decibels around 300-400. You kick has a hell of a lot of click to it so I would reduce some of the highs ohhh say 8k a tiny bit? Boost some more of the low end around 60-90Hz. I usually use a high Q to narrowly boost around 65 db. Put a limiter on that kick and adjust that to taste. Make sure it has a fast attack though. Use Gclip to take some of the transients off the kick and add to add a little distortion to it. (gclip is free btw and I use for toms, snares, and kicks.)
Course if you have a weak sounding kick in the first place this might not do much. You can't polish a turd.
Alright for Kick Eq you might wanna do a little more. Put a hi pass around 30hz and that will make it less muddy. Scoop out a few decibels around 300-400. You kick has a hell of a lot of click to it so I would reduce some of the highs ohhh say 8k a tiny bit? Boost some more of the low end around 60-90Hz. I usually use a high Q to narrowly boost around 65 db. Put a limiter on that kick and adjust that to taste. Make sure it has a fast attack though. Use Gclip to take some of the transients off the kick and add to add a little distortion to it. (gclip is free btw and I use for toms, snares, and kicks.)
Course if you have a weak sounding kick in the first place this might not do much. You can't polish a turd.

this is really sensible advice. i'll try this out for sure. i'm still looking for advice on the rms and perceived volume if you know anything about it.