Been mixing so much metalcore lately. Crit?

Guitars are really piercing and super up front, which would work if the drums were too...

Whats the deal with the drums? It is like the have zero high end. The cymbals have no "sheen" to them. Its like the entire kit is buried in reverb. I hope this makes sense.
Odly enough, I used the least amount reverb i've ever used on the drums.
Pretty sure it's my master chain, compressed the high end because the hi-hats were acting up.

Ill reconsider it. thanks !
Yeah, i agree about the drums, i think the high end on the drums will help them cut through the mix along with a volume increase would be good. The guitars dont have enough gain on them IMO. I also think the bass should come up a bit, its pretty buried. but Im digging the riffs man! :)