behavior question for glenn


New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2002
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I was just wondering how things were gonna be in terms of the behavior of the crowd this year. I am a huge metal fan but I dont enjoy people randomly pushing and punching eachother just cause they can. Also my dad who is in his forties and also a metal fan probably isnt a big mosher. I was just wondering how security will be and if unruley behavior such as moshing and throwing things is tollerated. Basically i just want to make sure that everyone is gonna have good clean fun listening to the greatest music on the planet and not act like 12 year olds.
Both of the previous festivals featured the most polite crowd you will ever see at a show. However, you never know how a sold-out show will be. I anticipate it being tight, yet nothing too bad.

I will say that "moshing" is prohibited and will get you thrown out on your ass in a heartbeat.

Glenn H
Speaking as an old fart, those damn slammer/moshers are a pain in the ass and damned inconvenient as they make me spill my beer and just cause a sense of agression to spread through the front-stage area.

Guess crowd-surfing is out too, eh Glenn,?:grin:
Yo, PowerMetalManiac! I was there last year and must agree with Glenn. It was almost too tame, but glad there was no moshing and slamming like the Slayer show I'd seen a couple months before. I think this year will be a little more lively, but there still won't be any punching and elbow throwing. "Less your looking for some trouble, Cowboy!"
I'll have to warn you guys in advance though, Im not gonna mosh but you might experience my mop of my hair flying around and I cant guarantee it wont accidentally hit some innocent bystanders. Also beware of my hellacious singing as well.

Youve been warned.

But seriously Im not gonna be an ass I hate people like that, when I saw the Misfits some dick pushed me HARD into a group of people and ran off like a little bastard. And at an SOD show I a 6'4 guy, got my ass knocked down to the ground like 8 times but they were at least nice enough to help me up although it was a little embarassing. I was just making sure its ok to express my serious love of the bands but in a normal fashion. ie headbanging and singing along.

Although the crowd behavior sounds well behaved, there's also a flip side to that. Sometimes at gigs you get the "statue fans" - the people who stand and watch the band, arms crossed, stone cold face, looking like they could fall asleep any moment....and worst luck, they always happen to be 7ft tall.

I mean, if your favorite band isn't on stage at the time, then move aside and let the fans have a good time, sing along, raise their hands, etc and most importantly, SEE the acts on stage!!! :)
Originally posted by JayKeeley
... the "statue fans" - the people who stand and watch the band, arms crossed, stone cold face, looking like they could fall asleep any moment....and worst luck, they always happen to be 7ft tall.


I resemble that remark!

No, wait.... Just kidding. I'm only 6'4" :grin:

Last year's crowd was very cool. Most everyone was moving about and getting excited, but not moshing. I was talking with the security guys before the show started on Saturday, and they told me that the PPUSA crowd was, by far, the most laid-back crowd they had ever seen... especially for a metal show. I expect this year to be the same.

hey guys i want to thank you all for the responses but let me say one although im not a mosher im not a statue my head will probably fall right off my neck but thats ok because i will have the power of beer behind i just hope i dont spill it cause that would really suck. I have to admit that everyone ive ever met that enjoys this metal is really cool and i now have confidence that everyone is gonna have a blast watching these truly amazing bands And speaking of thrashing hair my buddy jon has really long hair to so look out. :)
Well, remember guys, there will be a few women out there in the audience ;) I definitely want to be close, and thankfully, I'm 6' so I can see pretty well, but I certainly don't want to "mosh!" Anyway, the crowd has always been really great, the bands too; there is no denying it's one of the highlight of the year! I think it's really just a more mature less metal, but this genre of music has some of the best fans...IMHO..of course!
Heh, I'm glad to hear the crowd will probably be laid back. I was kind of expecting that from power metal fans. Man, power metal must truley be the way to go! It's like I say, "Power metal: The righteuos metal!"

edit: Hey PMManiac, you say your buddy has long hair? All right! that's another thing great about power metal! Not only the bands, but the fans actually have long hair! That's the way it should be! (sigh) I've always wanted a long haired power metal man...
What? You mean theres *gasp* short haired Power Metal fans??? When did this happen?? I can understand having short hair for job purposes but when youre young like me enjoy it!!! Ive had long hair since I was in 7th grade and will NEVER cut it. Even if someone offered a thousand bucks for me to shave my head I wouldnt even consider it. IF on some dreaded day I start going bald Ill cry cry and cry some more then buy a wig like Kevin Dubrow.

Yeah, well, when the jobs you are trying to get because there are no other jobs available expect you to have short hair, then you will get it cut or starve. Only, if you are a musician, too young to worry about needing a job for a living, or drugged out will you have long hair. Unless, you just don't give a damn! I'll get mine back. it's growing, damn it. When it's there , i won't give a damn!!!