Behemoth Bass Player


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Last night we saw Amon Amarth and Behemoth - WOW! We'll write a live report later on.

Anyway, I've got to say that the Behemoth bass player was just incredible. I have never seen bass playing quite like that! Thing is, he's not listed on the Behemoth website and I don't own any of their albums (yet).

Does anyone know his name, or any place I can find some info on the guy?
Might that be Marcin Nowak (aka Novy)? At least he was the one who played bass on Zos Kia Cultus if I'm not misstaken.. He played in Dies Irae also, that's all i know though..
I play guitar, and ChiefB plays bass. In fact, I think for anyone who plays an instrument, they typically take notice of other musicans play....

All I can say is, we both watched this guy (Novy) last night with our jaws dropped to the floor.

I listened to Zos Kia Cultus yesterday - does anyone think the production is pretty piss poor? I mean, the vocals are way too loud and the guitars are a whisper (comparitively).
*Thread Resurrection!!*

Stop the Press: Novy (bass player supreme) has joined VADER!

That means, he'll be back to the USA on the Art of Noise tour II. What a line up:

KREATOR (!!!) -> I guess this should be a double headliner, but it's Nile's show
GOATWHORE (don't know 'em yet)

If you guys catch this tour, keep an eye out for Novy! (Especially you bass players).

I am slowly becoming a Vader whore, and Behemoth is in the mail. I shall catch that tour, I yes, I shall.