Polish Showdown: Behemoth vs Graveland


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I saw this in the GMD, and since a lot of you guys never venture outside RC, I thought I'd post it here since we have lovers and haters of both these bands.

Interview with Nergal: http://www.smnnews.com/interviews/behemoth.php


Question: Rob Darken of Graveland once guested on the early Behemoth demos, but now in recent interviews has publicly talked shit about you Nergal. I quote: 'I despise Nergal of Behemoth. Some time ago we supported one another. But Nergal was afraid of consequences of spreading black metal ideas. He wanted to be big black metal star, cooperate with big commercial labels. I agree with Randal of Absurd who named Nergal and friends "sunny boys". Behemoth is popular among anti-nazi pacifistic organizations that want to destroy us. I despise such scoundrels and I do not have anything common with them. Behemoth don't play original music, they are all ideas created by bands from Norway as Emperor, Mayhem, Satyricon, Hades etc' – What do you say to something like that?

Nergal: Its like...*pause* What can I say? It’s all so funny for me! Any accusations you know, my reaction is the same. Just do ½ of what I did and then maybe we can speak. These internet words mean nothing to us. They just sit behind the monitor, and are “brave” you know. I always play in his hometown, they have never interrupted us, same in his home country and town, and I know there’s no action behind his words. I can not treat them as enemies. You respect your enemies, I cant respect people who talk shit and not back up their words. I’m going to not say anything, I’ve never met the guy, I’m not trying to fight anyone, I have no enemies. I don’t respect these people. Well, to give you a simple example of how it works in human life, and animals. When I see a strong and big dog in the street, then there’s a small dog making a lot of noise around the big dog everyday in the streets. This strong dog will never react on it, because the small dog who is so small is so weak, and the big dog is aware of this – its always the weak that try to attack. That is animal like and that’s how it refers to humans. The final conclusion is – I don’t really have enemies, and it’s something I don’t like, but I won’t waste my energy on hating or trying to fight somebody. I just keep my mouth shut and don’t tell any bullshit. I’m not 16 anymore, I do the best I can. I stay with my people and fans, and make it as professional as possibly, with a correct attitude. What can I say? You try touring, sleeping in a van every night, and being able to get a hamburger everyday *laugh*. By the way I like the “sunny bitch” comment, fuck yea I am a sunny bitch boy. I don’t like all this English weather we have in Poland *laugh*, I love California, and I’ll be there in a few weeks. If it was King Diamond saying this stuff I would care, but yea but its Rob Darken, I mean who the fucks that? *laugh* Danzig loves Behemoth, and I respect them, and he loves us, and that means so much to me. These are people I trust, and those internet warriors? They are nothing.
Huh? I think it's funny that Adam Witz AKA Nergal from cold Poland and with his pale skin, huge chin and forehead wants to live in Cali. Just funny, nothing more.
J. said:
Huh? I think it's funny that Adam Witz AKA Nergal from cold Poland and with his pale skin, huge chin and forehead wants to live in Cali. Just funny, nothing more.
And I was just saying that it was funny in a stupid way, nothing more, nothing less.

And then asked if the sunny bitch comment was supposed to be a diss... cuz if it was, it was weak. Rob Darken needs to go listen to some rap before he tries to insult people publicly. :loco:
BM-era Behemoth brutally rapes Graveland in the ass.
\,,/ Now start hating Behemoth and trade your From The Pagan Vastelands to me \,,/

I can't compare death metal Behemoth to Graveland for obvious reasons. But Graveland shits all over black metal Behemoth and Adam Witz's fat forehead.
Hi guys, people from Northern European countries often have larger foreheads than the bunch of fucking gypsies :)p) that make up America - I don't see the big deal. Mine is pretty big too.
Henrik Main said:
Hi guys, people from Northern European countries often have larger foreheads than the bunch of fucking gypsies :)p) that make up America - I don't see the big deal. Mine is pretty big too.
It's not a big deal at all. Most of the time though, it means you've got a receding hairline, and I'm always reminded of that image of BlackWinterDay and his mullet.