Behemoth/Suffocation-Denver, CO-2/8/05


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
What an incredible experience. Both of these bands ruled mighty amounts of ass and by the time Suffocation was winding up their set, it felt like my neck was broken. Won't go into too much detail unless someone wants to know, but here's some of what happened.

Met Nergal and he is about the nicest guy imaginable, very grateful to the fans and supporters and he's living life on his terms and being happy. Awesome guy. Signed all of my Behemoth gear and I got to do an interview with him, so look for that in the near future.

Nergal and Frank Mullen are both awesome frontmen, got the fans involved, headbanging and stirring up a crazy pit. Suffocation played Liege of Inveracity, Infecting the Crypts and Catatonia, some of my personal favorites, so I was pretty happy.

Got a ticket signed by Terrance Hobbs, Behemoth hoodie, Suffocation beenie and sticker and, like I said, all my Behemoth stuff signed. Rule. Overall, pretty incredible experience hanging around the venue that day and being at that show, intense, awesome stuff. Anyone who can still catch this tour damn well better.
nice ... will try to catch them next week in NYC. Still have to see Suffocation live.
Opeth17 said:
Met Nergal and he is about the nicest guy imaginable, very grateful to the fans and supporters and he's living life on his terms and being happy. Awesome guy.

Yes, he is excellent. I don't know how Rob Darken thinks this guy is a "rock star" or whatever -- probably because Behemoth tour -- but he's very approachable. Like I said in the other thread, the guy even helps set up their own stage equipment or sits behind a table selling merchandise (even the other bands stuff).
fuck .. the show is tomorrow in NYC. will have to squeeze it into my schedule.
would like to see Suffocation and to a lesser extent the "other" band :D