BEHIND THE MUSIC VH1 -- Set up a 'TREE' or sumfim'

Nov 4, 2004
Greetings & Salutations to one an' all here in 'Thrax Ville,

A belated Happy St. Patricks Day to all*

It was an incredible good St Patrick's Day here,and,I don't mean the booze^ --- I finally,after years of hearing about it,and after posting a plea here on the board a few weeks ago,got a copy of the magnificent Anthrax version of VH1's "Behind The Music"!

As a die-hard fan of this band,and,with too little out there in bootleg-land compared to other bands,it was a huge pleasure to finally see this DVD,and,a huge thank you to the kind soul from this board who took the time to kindly make a copy and send it my way,so very much appreciated*

The 'Behind The Music' show is wonderful,I've watched it 4 or 5 times already since I got it,it is something special indeed,and,something that every fan would love.

Like other message boards have "Trees" to distribute & share bootlegs/DVD's,methinks every 'Thrax fan who had the same trouble as me'self finding a copy of this should have a copy,so -- not exacly sure how Trees get set up,but,IF someone has DVD-burning capability and would be willing to make copies & share them(not sell them!^) to other fans,I can send up a copy of the DVD to you.

I don't have DVD burning capability,so,had to send it off to a friend here to do it yesterday(I should have the copy early this week) -- so -- anyone out there who can burn DVD's & would be willing to make copies and share it with other fans,I can send you the copy I made!

It really is a brilliant DVD,so well done,lots of wonderful Anthrax footage -- AND -- the kind soul who made the copy for me added some very tasty extra's -- a great clip on recording the 'Greater of Two Evils' album,a clip of 'Thrax & Public Enemy performing 'Bring the Noize' on an awards show,and,a clip of Anthrax playing acoustically!

'Slainte a chairde'

'Slan go foill' (All the very best) from here,

Let's get this brilliant DVD to as many 'Thrax fans as possible!

Long Live The 'Thrax!!!!!!
Have to agree, the kind soul who donated a copy to Irelandcalling also donated a copy to me, and very much appreciated it is too. I really enjoyed watching this as well, a fantastic insight into the band who have always, and will always be my number 1. If I could burn dvds, I'd add another copy to the tree. If I can find out how to do it on my comp, I'll do just that.
I would still love to see this BTM show. The only clips I've ever seen were the ones they showed before the reunion concerts. Not easy to watch though. I may have a way to get some copies made and I'd be happy to send them out also. So, if a tree happens, please send it my way!! :kickass:
I'll do the first distribution if you send me the disc??

How will it work? How about:

I make 2 copies, send them to 2 people who each make 2 copies, send them out, and so on and so on........

We'd need to compile a list of names.

Greetings Tex,

Methinks my copy is PAL, as I recorded it onto a video here to save it, as DVD-R's can be notoriously iffy^

If it were NTSC it wouldn't have recorded onto my video, so, it has to be PAL!

I can send it to you to make copies, sure..we need a good list of names though,a proper 'Tree' as they call it^

Let the tree building begin!