Behold! the Warrel wearing the DM hat!

Super Mahrio

Deeply Horrible Person
Apr 30, 2003
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Yes kids its finally here! the Warrel wearing the Distorted Mind hat on stage at SF!

courtesy of Squeak of course...shes gonna post em at Swedish Metal too...
Yeah, i guess she missed it when he was facing us...oh well..atleast she got one..i had left my other camera up at the coat check and i was NOT about to leave my spot to go get it...oh!
See. I warned you the pic didn't show much of the hat. Warrel likes to move a lot. Hmph. And yes, I did scan ALL the better pics tonight. Fuck, that took nearly 4 hours total. There's probably 40 or more pics. \m/ But I think when the pictures get loaded, they should go in a different thread that says something like "Pictures from San Francisco gig" or whatever. \m/ I know there were other people here who wanted to see them that wouldn't look in this thread. I don't know when Fredrik will post them on the site, but I think not for a couple weeks. He has a lot of shit going on. Tomorrow I will scan the COB pics because they turned out really really good and I need to send some to them at some point. I have some of them scanned now anyway. Dimmu and Hypocrisy will follow those. Damn, I'm busy.
Squeak said:
Damn, I'm busy.

Hey Sweetie Pie,

Hey, Aren't you the sugar plum who snaps pictures with a camera
at all the headbangin mosher metal shows?

We've met before. Do you remember me? I'm Bill, Bill Clinton.
I've had my eye on you sugar darlin.

How You been?


BTW, Those are some scary bubbas in your sig.
hahaha.... that's a great idea Karen.... it's the next big thing since the "Got Milk?" add....... the DM hat is going to sweeeeeep across the nation...... woooo hahaha....

come on, get one, you know you want to... *peer pressures*... it's the cool thing to do