Does anybody use the Behringer ultra-DI 100 (active) to track the clean signal of sg´s humbuckers passive pickups? I only got this by now so, how is it going for you?
It´s 250kohm input impedance so i´m afraid of losing signal but i´ve seen most of you use ART direct box with 10kohm with good results.
I know i will better not use the Berhinger DI20 Ultra DI 2-Channel Active direct box instead it´s 250kohm input impedance too.
boring threat, i know:Smug:
It´s 250kohm input impedance so i´m afraid of losing signal but i´ve seen most of you use ART direct box with 10kohm with good results.
I know i will better not use the Berhinger DI20 Ultra DI 2-Channel Active direct box instead it´s 250kohm input impedance too.