Being a musician is too hard!

Somewhere within' us all is a dream
that lies dorment until it breath's
this life is not what it seems
ghosts reappear to haunt me

I escape to pretend it's fake
burning crippled naked to take
no words left but emotions cry
so I let them out in failure

You see no matter how hard I try this is what I am. Trapped within' something that cannot be free unless I use music, people turn around and tell me to get a grip on reality. Yet money matters only to survive. After defeating confidence in ones self, being able to take a step into the unknown is all thats left.

Katatonia have done well out of this, still underground, but getting some recorgnition for their work.

Sitting under a darkness will never let you escape who you are.
well.. there's two ways to "make it" in music. 1. Produce some actually aurally pleasing music (stuff that sounds good) or 2. Write music under an image that people can identify with (ie punk music). That's how to make it. Depression is the easiest emotion for people to identify with because we're all depressed, so that's a good start. But keep in mind there are millions of bands producing depressing music. My recommendation, is take some music theory classes and learn your instrument, let the emotion influence your music later. cheers
Originally posted by Her own Pride
You see no matter how hard I try this is what I am. Trapped within' something that cannot be free unless I use music, people turn around and tell me to get a grip on reality. Yet money matters only to survive. .

Don't give a fuck! Your life is your life, noone can point you what to do. Reality what you see, if you can see farther, than others, it's their problem.
Originally posted by Her own Pride
Somewhere within' us all is a dream
that lies dorment until it breath's
this life is not what it seems
ghosts reappear to haunt me

I escape to pretend it's fake
burning crippled naked to take
no words left but emotions cry
so I let them out in failure

You see no matter how hard I try this is what I am. Trapped within' something that cannot be free unless I use music, people turn around and tell me to get a grip on reality. Yet money matters only to survive. After defeating confidence in ones self, being able to take a step into the unknown is all thats left.

Katatonia have done well out of this, still underground, but getting some recorgnition for their work.

Sitting under a darkness will never let you escape who you are.

same here. i may have talents to do other stuff... but it really doesnt matter... the only thing that seems true... that let' me be who i am is music... but its fucking hard to put together a bunch of people and to expect them t get along with one another and undersand others ideas.

but we cant give up... dreams can be reached hail
but its fucking hard to put together a bunch of people and to expect them t get along with one another and undersand others ideas.

Indeed it took me over 9 months to get a stable band going, but the key difference is that i took care of all music and lyrics and a good share of drum tips and requests. My advice is forget about a band and write music by yourself. Concern about band members when the oportunity shows itself or when you feel your music has enough maturity to be exposed to other people. In the end band members and other things are just annoyances.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Indeed it took me over 9 months to get a stable band going, but the key difference is that i took care of all music and lyrics and a good share of drum tips and requests. My advice is forget about a band and write music by yourself. Concern about band members when the oportunity shows itself or when you feel your music has enough maturity to be exposed to other people. In the end band members and other things are just annoyances.

correct me if im wrong, but that way wouldn't the band be just you, the others member would only be to come along with the ride.
You would think, but i dont have what it takes. Music while being the most escencial thing in the band its of little use without promotion or interpretation. I envisioned this as a typical band with live shows and i cant do live shows without band members, wich also support me and pretty much take care of all the promoting the band trivialities. I can honestly say that without them there wouldnt be a band at all i would be just some guy using pc toys to make music that goes unnoticed.

It wasnt my intention to underestimate band members, and besides this is just my way to start and i was pointing out its a good way to start if things dont seem right, sometimes you cant wait for ideal situations to start working you have to create them. Check my bands history of members below to see what i mean.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
You would think, but i dont have what it takes. Music while being the most escencial thing in the band its of little use without promotion or interpretation. I envisioned this as a typical band with live shows and i cant do live shows without band members, wich also support me and pretty much take care of all the promoting the band trivialities. I can honestly say that without them there wouldnt be a band at all i would be just some guy using pc toys to make music that goes unnoticed.

It wasnt my intention to underestimate band members, and besides this is just my way to start and i was pointing out its a good way to start if things dont seem right, sometimes you cant wait for ideal situations to start working you have to create them. Check my bands history of members below to see what i mean.

I totally understand what you’ve been and are currenty going through… I thought I had a though luck to form a band.

Imagine, I was kicked from a power metal band (I had a few troubles because I was working, studying and really down), and out of nowhere I know these 2 guys ready to tag along for an adventure. I have one of my good friends that learned to play so the harder now was to find a drummer and a place to practice. Out of nowhere I meet this guy called Joel that says he can play, then he meets a colleague (Zé) of ours that claims to play bass… all was going wonderfully, I rented the studio so that we could pay together… then Joel broke up with his girlfriend… he was living with her so that’s a bitch… I don’t know anything about him since last Thursday… I had to cancel the studio and it looks bad to the guy that runs that place… dammit. But im almost there… in the beginning.