Beneath studio report


Boob inspector
Jun 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey guys, I hope it's ok I post this as it's studio related and I love seeing studio vids of bands.

My band Beneath just posted a studio report on youtube. I was going to cut the video a lot sooner but been busy working on recordings and working on moving from Iceland to Sweden.

Drums were recorded at Sundlaugin Studio, a studio most famous for being an old swimming pool turned studio. The studio is owned by the band Sigur Rós, and was used in most of their albums. The rest was recorded at my own studio, Fossland. Daniel Bergstrand mixed and mastered the album, which we're not exactly sure of when will see the light of day due to us not currently being signed to a label. Hopefully soon.

Check the video out, at least it's worth a few laughs :)

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Damn man, sounds like some brutal shit. I'd love to know when it becomes available it's right up my alley.
We actually finally posted the second studio report a few months ago.

Also, our album "Enslaved By Fear" is out soon on Unique Leader records.

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Beneath is a GREAT band. We played at the same festival as them in Iceland(Eistnaflug) last summer, Raggi(the drummer) is INSANE. I loved the show, I should get the album...