Benedictum debut, another review.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I comment once on this band

But now and thanks to Carnut advice I passed again over their debut coming out in March.

Benedictum is a band from California, USA that have the distinction of a femlae vocalist that doesn't jump in the operatic/goth wagon so many bands out there. She doesn't either try to trash her pipes in a Holy Moses/arch Enemy way, a bit less melodic than Doro will be the best description IMO. In an interview she said that Doro and Leather Leone are her main influences along with Dio (which explains the covers and the presence of Craig Goldie in the project)

The debut is very heavy metal based on classic frame structure and bordering on thrash mostly. 11 cuts with two covers (both Black Sabbath-Dio era songs) although I'm not too fond of a debut with covers and much less with two I have to acknowledge the fact that are well done with respect and the best possible intention.

In a way is feels a lot like Beyond Fear (Owens new band) debut, but unlike BF doesn't feel like a clone. If you like energy and agression without falling into senseless rage and noise this band is right your alley.

Besides the covers ('Heaven And Hell' and 'Mob Rules') the songs more appealing at first glance are: 'Two Steps To The Sun', '#4' and the small epic 'Walkyrie Rising'
I absolutely LOVE this band. The album sounds as a very good 80's US metal band , yet with some 70's influences here and there. Still ,they don't sound outdated. The vocals are great , that lady has a great set of , huhu, lungs !!! I agree the 2 covers are a bit too much, "Heaven and Hell" only would have been enough... First top release of 2006 for my taste !
SickBoy said:
Shame on you, what an insinuation! :tickled:

What about the third, Rainbow In The Dark? :D
I'd say that they like Dio to a degree, what do you think?

'Rainbow In The Dark'? Where? The version I downloaded only have 11 tracks:
1. Uncreation
2. Benedictum
3. #4
4. Misogyny
5. Ashes to Ashes
6. Wicca
7. Heaven and Hell
8. Them
9. Two Steps to the Sun
10. Valkyrie Rising
11. The Mob Rules

And her pulmonary capacity is obvious to the sight :lol:
SickBoy said:
DC++ :D
Just typed Benedictum and there it was.


And yes she has said Dio is one big influence.