Zeppie was here !! (and we saw Benedictum:-)


Apr 29, 2004

Zeppie just spend a few days with Hawk and me...All was a bit hectic and fast organised. Zep had to fly over from London were he went to see Maiden, I myselve had to find a way to get off from work at these busy days of the year. Well all worked out fine and we met our South African friend !!
Wednesday I drove to Hawks place, Zep was in a hotel very close to him, and we met him there short after. We spend a few hours talking, mostly about the somewhat difficult situation Zep lives in in S-Africa. Than we left at my place for a Xmas dinner. Unfortunatly Hawk was feeling sick and he stayed in bed. In the evening Zep and me went to a concert with Benedictum and Doro. Great gig, certainly becouse Benedictum got to play alot longer becouse the second band (Winterborn) canceled and there were about 2500 pretty enthousiastic Metalheads attending this show. Very big difference with the gig in Holland we saw last week, same line up but there were only 150 people or so. Well, guess Doro has alot of fans in Belgium for some reason.... I think Zep liked both the Benedictum and Doro gigs alot and we got to meet Benedictum afterwards, Zep now has a full signed Benedictum CD at hand !!!
I dropped Zep back at the hotel and the next day picked him and Hawk up again for some walking , shopping and a drink in Eindhoven-town. Later the afternoon we had to say goodbye...
It was really nice to meet Zep, he's a cool guy. I hope we'll be able to meet again in future !! Some pics from Zep, Hawk and me will come later as Zep has them on his camera...here are some pics and movies of the gigs. Sorry bout the bad sound, just play it quiet, it's just shots to give an impression ...


YouTube - Benedictum dec 27th 2006

YouTube - Benedictum live in Belgium 2

YouTube - Bendictum live in Belgium 3

YouTube - Benedictum live in Belgium 3

YouTube - Doro live in Belgium 2006
Yea it was great meeting Zeppie. He is a really cool guy and I am glad I got to know him a little bit.

I am still a bit disappointed that I could not see Benedictum in Antwerp. :(
At this moment I feel even sicker. Damn! Since I moved back to Eindhoven I have had a cold or the flue four times already.
Damn another UMOSer in a picture with Veronica. Zeppie you are a lucky bastard, uncle Carnut and uncle Hawk are two spoilers of kids :p

NP: Midnight Sun - 'Conqueror'
Wyvern said:
Zeppie you are a lucky bastard, uncle Carnut and uncle Hawk are two spoilers of kids :p

NP: Midnight Sun - 'Conqueror'

We try Wyvern, we try. :) Although the major part of the credit must go to carnut. That dude simply rocks!
Besides being jealous.... :) I'm so glad you got to meet, and sounds like you had a blast!
Hi to all!!
Took me a while but here I am.
I would first off like to thank Carnut and Hawk for a great time, you guys truely rock! I had a blast at the concert, Carnut came to fetch me in Eindhoven and then we went to his house in Balen and from there we went through to Antwerpen where we saw Benedictum and Doro.
Although Doro drew a bigger crouwd, I prefered Benedictum, they have a good stage personality and are down to earth people, you could almost compare them to a hot Oliebol. And yes I got to meet them and they've signed my CD:rock:
As a result of me being spoilt our friend Carnut has to start working at 3AM on the 1st of Jan, so thanks to you once again, my friends and I will surely have a drink on you.
I went to Hawk's place as well, he introduced me to some very cool Bands and I got to see the master in front of his PC, logged into the Metal Forum, it was awesome in a weird way. We went to a record store where I bought Outworld, Zero Hour and Wolverene, all of them are great albums and defenately worth checking out.
I also got lot of other music from Hawk and Carnut which I havent checked out yet, I'll let you know what I think once I've done so.
Well that's it from me for now.
I'm still in London at this time, wer're just about go out for the New Years Party so to all of you Guys (and Gals)I wish you a great New Year !

I have to say, if Hawk and carnut are gonna keep spoiling visiting UMOSers like this, they might just start getting some visitors from the U.S.!

Congrats Zeppie, looks like you had a blast!

Hey TSO just grab a plain ticket and book a hotel for a few days during a time where Eindhoven is not crowded and you are damn welcome!

Just like any UMOS regular. No problem! :rock:

There is always a realistic chance that we are going to see a concert from a band that nobody know but that will kick you in the balls!

So what are you people waiting for come and see us in 2007! :kickass:
Hey TSO just grab a plain ticket and book a hotel for a few days during a time where Eindhoven is not crowded and you are damn welcome!
Oh, God, I dread the thought of that plane flight. First, I don't much like flying, second, what a long ass trip that would be! Takes almost five hours just to reach the east coast of U.S. then would have to cross the Atlantic, and then fly deep into western Europe. I think I'd need a book to read, but with a flight that long I could probably read War and Peace twice through! Still, someday I would love to do that. I'm just afraid that I wouldn't want to come back to U.S. once I visit the homeland of my ancestors of a century past.