Benighted - Insane Cephalic Production

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Benighted - Insane Cephalic Production
2004 - ARO83 - Adipocere Records
By Philip Whitehouse


Blisteringly brutal death metal from France, which veers from Brutal Truth-esque hyper speed grind, to Necroticism-era Carcass quasi-melodic death, with occasional nods to Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus into the bargain. As if all this wasn't enough, they also throw into the mix a dual-vocal approach which couples ultra-brutal, guttural death metal vox with a more black metal style of screeching. So, have the band managed to create something worth listening to with all of these disparate elements?

Emphatically, yes. This is an impressively written, and undeniably effective album. The riffs are never less than shredding, and the variation within and between the songs is pretty commendable, making this a consistenly interesting listen. Highlights include the labyrinthine structures and melodic tremolo-picked passages in 'Deviant', the relatively melodic (but no less violent) 'Phlebotomized', and the 1 minute 21 seconds of relentlessly rapid-fire aural battery that is 'Dementia'.

The production is fantastic too, courtesy of Kohlekeller Studio (Agathodaimon) - every instrument is clear in the mix, the drums are powerful and balanced, and the guitar tones shred. About the only complaints I have with this album are the bland and lacklustre cover artwork, and the relatively short length of the discs - the ten tracks blaze by in a mere 35 minutes. I suppose this does prevent the album from being a laborious slog, but it would be nice to have had more music. Still, this is a rarity in death metal circles - a release that actually stands out from the crowd. Well worth your cash.


Benighted Official Website
Adipocere Records Website