best 4 channel preamp?


Oct 24, 2007
I've been looking at the UA 4-710D. Some people I hear dont like the pre's in it too much. Is there any other good 4 channel preamp around the $2k price range? I need 4 because I'm getting the UA Apollo and it only has 4 pres in it.
FWIW we just got a Rupert Neve 511 500 series pre. I love it. They're only $575 apiece, but you'd need a lunchbox...
Get a used ISA828.
I have one and also Universal Audio and API pres (I used to have a phoenix audio dual channel too)
The ISA holds it ground against the other heavy hitter no problem.
I see a lot of internet talk about the ISA being "bland" or "uninteresting" but I do a lot of post and voice over work and EVERY studio has a 4 or 8 channel ISA rack.
They are fat and full with great transient response and work on any source.
8 pres for the price of a used 828 is a killer deal. Having 8 channels will really benefit you if you are going to record drums.
The API and UA LA-610 have their uses of course but I would be perfectly happy having 2 828s giving 16 channels of top class pre if I was buying from scratch.
I was going to recommend ISA, Audient, Vintech473 or the Daking IV when you first posted this but figured I'd wait and see what everyone else thought.

Alternately, You could go 500 series and pick and choose what you want for each drum. CLAPI,HairBall LOLA and the commercial brands. Might be cheaper (especially used) and you'd have different applications for vox, gtr, keys ect.
chdrummer I just noticed you were looking at the UA4710.
I have an LA-610 and it is VERY easy to clip and very unforgiving when it does clip.
It has very little headroom.
It sounds beautiful on vocals but if the singer is in any way dynamic and doesn't have good mic technique I switch it out for a different pre.
Fantastic on bass and room mics and guitar or anything thats not going to suddenly jump in volume.
I don't know if the 4710 is different but, if not, I wouldn't want it as my main pre.