Running different ADAT Converters for inputs and outputs


Mar 16, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Does anyone know if it is possible to use 1 ADAT converter for inputs only and another for outputs only, syncing both devices via wordclock coaxial input?

I have a UA Apollo with a UA-4710d Quad preamp. The 4710d does not have any outputs from DAW obviously, however I do use ADAT connection for connecting to my apollo. I need a couple more outputs from my DAW for separate monitor sends. Could I have the 4710 connected to the ADAT input on my Apollo and an old ADA8000 I have laying around connected to the ADAT Output of the Apollo? I would connect the 4710 and ADA8000 to the Apollos word clock?

Try this:

4-710 ADAT out connects to Apollo in. Apollo out connects to ADA8000 in. All ADAT cables.

4-710 is master, Apollo set to ADAT sync, ADA8000 set to ADAT sync. The apollo should send clock on the ADAT out that the ADA8000 can sync to.