Best 80's Thrash Metal Band

Hey guys, let me know your opinion about the best 80's thrash metal band......
You can pick more than one if you want.
Here goes:


answer please?

c ya

There were just so many great Thrash/Speed Metal bands in the 80s, it's hard to pick a favourite. But if pushed i'd go for Kreator, Agent Steel and Overkill.
Bearing in mind that the best thrash albums ever released were recorded by bands that either only released one or were only memorable for one album, it is really hard and a little bit absurd to speak in those terms. It is also obviously impossible to only pick one.
I think that the only bands that would be likely to show up more than once in a list of my favorite thrash albums are Kreator (Pleasure to Kill & Terrible Certainty) and Slayer (Show No Mercy & Hell Awaits). If that makes them "the best 80's thrash bands" then so be it.
My favorite thrash records:

Metallica- Justice (my favorite metal record of all time)
Heathen- Victims of Deception
Death Angel- Act III
Sepultura- Arise
Overkill- Taking Over
Slayer- Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer- South of Heaven
Exodus- Tempo
Lääz Rockit
Death Angel
Metal Church
Flotsam & Jetsam

....Who else? There's a lot other good ones, but I think those top my thrash list (no particular order).

Some other worthy bands(edited):
Iced Earth
I didnt realize there were 2 Sabbats - the british thrash band and a japanese one thats like black thrash metal. The japanese Sabbat has some really cool sounding songs kinda has a NWBHM sound (epspecially on the cover of Quartz - Satan's Serenade), but it would take me years to ever get used to those black metal vocals. check out &

Not the greatest ever, but interesting.
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1. The production was much better on Kill.
2. James is a better singer.
3. The songs on Kill 'em All have become regarded classics of the genre, and virtually every metal guitarist and bassist can play least one song off of Kill.
4. This is art and not sports. There is no empirical way to prove any album or song or band is better than any other. I have a personal preference for Kill 'em All, so ultimately I have just invalidated both your argument and my previous 3.

Sounds like philosophy class lol. Very true though!
1. The production was much better on Kill.
2. James is a better singer.
3. The songs on Kill 'em All have become regarded classics of the genre, and virtually every metal guitarist and bassist can play least one song off of Kill.
4. This is art and not sports. There is no empirical way to prove any album or song or band is better than any other. I have a personal preference for Kill 'em All, so ultimately I have just invalidated both your argument and my previous 3.

And you forgot the second best one (after #4 which rules). King and Hanneman can't play a decent crafted guitar solo if their lives depends on it.

Not that Hetfield and Hammet are astounding, but surely fine guitar players compared to the guys in Slayer.
And you forgot the second best one (after #4 which rules). King and Hanneman can't play a decent crafted guitar solo if their lives depends on it.

Not that Hetfield and Hammet are astounding, but surely fine guitar players compared to the guys in Slayer.
A lot of people criticize the solos in Slayer. But if you think about it, they suit the music perfectly, it's about chaos, a typical "well-crafted" solo would sound out-of-place.
In my mind, a good solo fits the song, and surely they've practically perfected that. I'd actually say that they play some rather well-crafted solos in classy Priest style on Show No Mercy. (The whole album is rather Priest/Stained Class-ish imo)
Basically, I think they're more than capable of playing some "pretty" solos, they just don't because they're Slayer, and the music doesn't call for it.
Just my 2c. :)

I'd even go out on a limb and say that Hanneman/King are better songwriters, but that's a different ballgame. ;)

On a different note:
I didnt realize there were 2 Sabbats...
Japanese Sabbat kick the british arse any day, in my humble opinion. :kickass:
(And 'History of a Time to Come' is one of all-time favorite albums)
Fabulous Disaster is my favourite thrash album, ever. Varied tempos, awesome solos, memorable tunes, it's got everything that's great about thrash.
A lot of people criticize the solos in Slayer. But if you think about it, they suit the music perfectly, it's about chaos, a typical "well-crafted" solo would sound out-of-place.

There you are absolutely right. But for me thrash has to be more than simple aggression and fastness, and thus Slayer will never be on my list.
There you are absolutely right. But for me thrash has to be more than simple aggression and fastness, and thus Slayer will never be on my list.
I understand. :)

Have you given a listen to South of Heaven though? It's rather uh, dare I say, melodic or even groovy at times.. Especially the title track and the album closer.
It's still Slayer, but definitely more than just aggression at least. And heck, Tom's practically singing on it!

Just a suggestion. Might make you view them in a different light, I know it did for me. :)
I understand. :)

Have you given a listen to South of Heaven though?

I started with them as an unknown band back in the days of Hit Parader magazine (wish I have the issue, the pic will be a collectible :lol:)

A friend had everything on vinyl from "Show No Mercy" all the way to "South of Heaven" (where he as a fan considered the band sold out :dopey:), and no matter how many times he played those albums to me I couldn't get into them.

Said that I do like a couple of songs from "Seasons In The Abyss", so who knows?, maybe in the future...;)