Best album of the year?

Up to now I 'd say Arcturus - "The Sham Mirrors" leaving the second quite far behind. But I'm expecting at least one release (Virus - "The Drama Hour") that's going to challenge it... After all we still have 2-3 months until the end of the year... Many things can happen...
sofar i can see how people could think sons of northern darkness is the best album of the year... i think its a great album...

i still think the nile album shows off more muscianship though...

but rerout to remain... :lol: :lol:

you cant be serous... :lol:

no offence but thats about as mature as something ud expect from linkin park... or who ever the current nu metal craze is...

Immortal - Sons Of Northern Darkness
Nile - In Their Darkended Shrines
Decapitated - "Nihility"
Mörk Gryning - Maelstrom Chaos (The song "Ont Blod" gives me the boner..)