Best and worst song they ever made

I think COB are shooting themselves in the leg by putting out a cover album. It may work for money but I thought they pretty much made covers because Spinefarm forced them to. But then again, are they voluntarely putting the cover album out, is what I don't know. I even have my suspicion to say the band members are contractually bound to publicly state the newest album as their favourite when asked. When AYDY came out it was everyone's favourity, suddenly they all hated it.
wtf. Angels Don't Kill, Punch Me I Bleed, and Banned From Heaven are great.

my favorite is Every Time I Die.

i dont have a worst, but some of their songs bore me.
Best Song: Lake Bodom/Touch Like Angel Of Death or Mask Of Sanity... I can't decide.

Worst, I don't really have a worst... I don't like the song Follow The Reaper and the latest two albums remind me more of Slayer with a keyboard than tradional melody based Bodom... not that it stops me listening to them, I just prefer the old stuff.
Varg is trve, Alexi Laiho is all "I do not give a flying fuck mother fucker," whereas Varg killed a dude.

And yes, because successfully killing your guitarist is a brilliant way to make a lving.

Don't get me wrong, I like Burzum and I love the Dauði Baldrs album but I do believe you to be a 13 year old Black Metal enthusiast who only listens to music for the satanic meanings and not to do with the actual music itself. Why don't you go do something constructive like help burn down your local church or something?