best and worst video at the same time


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
this is honestly one of my fav live performances of anything ever. such an amazing amazing amazing performance and cover of a great song.

however what makes this video equally noteworthy is how lame and stuff the ENTIRE audience is. i can make our i think george martin and jimmy page in the front row, and no one either in the orchestra pit or the main audience is even like snapping their fingers. maybe its some lame ass UK thing but i'm not sure what's going on.

ps - i think i also see brian wilson like nodding off. wtf is going on can someone please explain? maybe this whole thing was digitally edited and it was really someone else that was up there haha

that was strange "oh yeah-there's that great playing an awesome song in front of me-I try to look as bored
as I look while sitting in the bus" especially the guy she walks up to who just looks a bit embarrased, like some
homeless guy talked to in the bus or an old, crazy lady.

P.S.: I knew she could sing, but that was pretty great and damn, she's hot!