Best and Worst gig experiences

7 Dying Trees

Bastard Albino Elf
Apr 18, 2002
The woodland fern
So, what have been the worst most cringeworthy moments on stage, and which your proudest coolest gigs?

To get the ball rolling, my first and third gigs where my worst. While setting up for my first ever gig I noticed that my half stack was really quiet, and I ended up turning it all the way to 10 to hear something, but still it got drowned out by an 80w valvestate :rolleyes: . Everyone said it looked good (solo's etc), but that they couldn't hear a thing :grin:
The third gig (in better band by now) was a disaster. First of all I turned up and had lost the adapter for my FX unit, so, no distortion and had to use someone elses amp with a weird footswitch. This followed by the floyd on my BC rich being fucked and going out of tune because of bad posts. needless to say, the vocalist switched me from distorted to clean several times by running across the switch, and when it came to the clean part that I was supposed to play on my own, the guitar had gone horribly out of tune :yow: . I then got a biro thrown at my head (meant for the bass player). After the gig noone could figure out why i was morbidly depressed, as noone had noticed a thing. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Best gig has to be in belgium (again) in the top of a club in an all day festival. We came on in dry ice, played a tight fast set and blew all the other bands away. It was damn cool, most fun out of all of them :)

Can't wait to start gigging again, it's getting closer :) :)

So, horror stories please!
Well, my Best gigging experience goes as follows:
I was only 16 or 17 and I was in some punk band that for absolutely no reason got quite famous and popular, we decided to go back to our home town and put on a show for the kiddies at the local "teen center." About 100 kids packed into a 30 x30 room and the mosh pit had grown too big for the owner to stop. Sure enough some kid got his leg torn open by a wallet chain and they had to call an ambulence to come pick up his bleeding ass. The owner of course put a stop to the show and sent us home. everyone was so pissed that they rioted for about a half hour around the teen center, I know this may sound really bad, but to have kids riot because they can't hear your band play is one of the coolest feelings ever.

Worst Show:
We opened for this band we had never heard of, and they turned out to be a Phish cover band, lol, it sucked. We couldn't understand why during our set everyone was so laid back and not wearing punk clothes. Then we heard the headlining band... haha, f'ing hippies. =)
I never had that bad of a gig. My whammy pedal died on me once.

The best and worst gig were probably the same gig, though. I cut my finger on my left hand (my fretting hand). Needless to say, I got blood all over my guitars strings and fret board. After a while it got sticky enough it was getting hard to play.

It was also the best gig, because we pulled in the largest crowd that venue had ever scene.
Worst gig?


I was in this band Abuse of Power, the third band I was in... quit recently after 3 years with them, but here's the deal...

Our first show as Abuse was this huge extravaganza, we had a couple of hot chicks on stage dancing for us, the sound was done by the opening band, which screwed us on purpose...

About 100-150 people there for us... small town, nothing else for everyone to do, so they all showed up.

In the middle of the band, the guitarist and the drummer just stopped...

I was pissed as hell... we had the strobes going on, the fog, and the chicks dancing...

I got all piseed...

Sound was horrible...

The other members were whining...

And I got it all on video. heh

Lots of drama.

Good thing it was in a mountain commmunity away from the peninsula, or I would have died...

Guess you had to be there.